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Press Releases

Roechling Foundation: Treasure Hunt

Recyclates market not running smoothly

Berlin, 10 December 2020 |The market for recycled plastics is broken – this is the central finding of the latest POLYPROBLEM topic report. “Treasure Hunt” is the second POLYRPOBLEM topic report of this year. This time, the report was conducted in…

Röchling Invests Two Million Euros in Lahnstein – Expansion of PET Capacities

Shorter delivery times for customers and extended stock programme

Fabric-reinforced hoses out of the clean room

Waldachtal, 5 November 2020 | Extruded tubes and profiles for industrial applications have been produced in Waldachtal for more than fifty years...

Röchling Group invests EUR 50 million in Medical division

Neuhaus am Rennweg, 1 October 2020 | The Röchling Group is investing EUR 50 million in a new production building and production resources at its Röchling Medical site in Neuhaus am Rennweg, Germany. This is the world-leading plastics processor’s…

Röchling expands management board in Oepping

Sandra Höglinger takes over commercial responsibility at Röchling Industrial Oepping

Röchling Group Feeling Slowdown in Automotive Market

Mannheim, 19 May 2020 | Röchling SE & Co. KG based in Mannheim once again increased sales in its three divisions Industrial, Automotive, and Medical in the 2019 financial year. Despite the dynamics of the global economy slowing down noticeably in the…

Röchling Opens Center for Additive Manufacturing

Mannheim, 19 May 2020 | The Röchling Direct Manufacturing Center (RDMC) in Waldachtal was opened officially on 11 May. Complex components and entire series made of plastic or metal are produced using 3D printing on the 500-square-meter site. “We are…

Röchling Leripa Papertech is now called Röchling Industrial Oepping

3rd of April....Oepping – The plastics processor Röchling Leripa Papertech GmbH & Co. KG in Oepping, Austria, has a new name: Röchling Industrial Oepping GmbH & Co. KG

Röchling Proposes Warehouse Expansion

Röchling Industrial proposes a $4.9 million warehouse expansion project at Röchling Glastic Composites, Cleveland, that will add 26 new positions over a 3-year period.

Röchling Strengthens Medical Division

Mannheim, 19 December 2019 | Mannheim-based plastics expert Röchling restructures its Medical division: On 1 January 2020, Dr. Boris Fröhlich will take over the position of CEO in the Medical division from Prof. Hanns-Peter Knaebel, who will in the…

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Gruppo Röchling