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RA trainees explore the world

Italy and the USA inspire our colleague Lena


Lena is based in Worms. With the marketing and communications team, she spreads our RA messages across the planet.

But there is more to RA than “just” Worms. Namely our 39 locations around the world. We sent our colleague on a trip to get to know some of them. Her experience started in July 2023 in Laives.

Thank goodness she recorded her impressions and shared them with us. This is what she wrote about her first visit:

Hey, I'm Lena and I've had the pleasure of spending the last five weeks at our site in Laives, Italy. Especially the insight into production and the opportunity to look behind the scenes of our company and learn more about our products was fascinating for me. The chance to get to know new colleagues and meet them in person was also something I really enjoyed.

Next up on the menu was the US. To make the trip worthwhile, Lena visited three RA locations: Troy, Duncan, and Akron.

It was her very own five-week trip full of new impressions and unforgettable experiences.

Hey, it's me again, Lena. If you read my last post, you know that after my Italy trip, I made my way to the country of unlimited opportunities, the US! I really enjoyed meeting my colleagues at the different locations in person and exchanging insights with them.

These experiences not only helped Lena develop enormously professionally, but she also gained a lot for her personality. Her colleagues from Marketing confirm this.

By the way: When Lena traveled to the US, she was a trainee. She returned as a Junior Specialist Marketing & Communications at Röchling Automotive. Many congratulations, Lena – we are very happy to have you on board!

If you want to write your own story at Röchling Automotive, just get in touch! We look forward to open-minded colleagues like you, who are driven and thirsty for discovery.

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