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From graduate to team leader in just a few years

Anastasija Zolotare started at Röchling Automotive in Leifers/Italy. She is now head of a four-person team in Worms in the area of quotation and also responsible for establishing, which means hiring and training, a new Quotation team in the US. She is also supported by the international talent programme of the corporate division.

From Latvia to Italy and then on to Germany. For Anastasija Zolotare, it was love at first sight when she came from Latvia to Trento in South Tyrol as an Erasmus student. She quickly grew the desire to start her career there. After completing her business studies, she came into contact with Röchling. In 2017, she began her professional career at the Automotive site in Leifers/Italy in the area of quotation management. Her talent was quickly recognised there, so it was no surprise that she was given the opportunity to move to Worms/Germany to take on greater responsibility.

First, the 29-year-old tested the move to Germany for six months, before she then moved to Worms in autumn 2021 as Manager Quotation Europe and took over the management of a team with four employees. Germany was not new territory for her, as she already knew the country from another Erasmus stay in Bremen. Her career advancement was accompanied by acceptance into Röchling Automotive's international talent programme, in which young employees are introduced to management tasks and in which the Senior Director HR Global, i.e. the top HR manager at Röchling Automotive, is her mentor.

Anastasija Zolotare has certainly not regretted the move to Worms. Rather, she is grateful that her superiors recognised her talent, supported and encouraged her: "This was an important step for me, and there are many things I enjoy here," she emphasises. And it is also clear that more tasks await her, such as a longer stay at the Automotive location in Troy in the USA: "That is also a nice challenge that I am looking forward to insanely," she is enthusiastic about this perspective.

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