ARBURG Technology Days are an annual highlight in the industry as the latest innovations and trends are showcased to the professional audience there.
This outstanding event has been taking place at ARBURG's headquarters in Lossburg for 25 years. In addition to viewing new technologies and solutions, visitors can exchange ideas with experts and partners.
As a long-standing partner of ARBURG, we had the unique opportunity to participate at this year's event, which took place from March 13 – 16, with two pioneering projects:
Together with our partner Polysecure, we are testing how products for pharma and medtech can be equipped with innovative marker technologies in the future – for better protection against counterfeiting, higher patient safety, and to generate unique device identification (UDI).
The joint use case was that each component is scanned directly after production and the corresponding parameters and information are stored on the unique and invisible particle pattern of the components.
Partnering with BIOVOX, we demonstrated at the event how smart design, and the intelligent selection of alternative materials can significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of medical devices.
The joint use case is a trocar that has been redesigned according to Design for Sustainability principles, reducing the global warming potential by 51% compared to a conventional disposable trocar.
For more information about our innovative design approaches, please contact our team.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thierry Arnaud
Vice President - Sales & Marketing Europe