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Safely storing chemical media - PE 100 Materials

Tanks for storing chemical media must meet high requirements: They must be perfectly safe even at aggressive media, high thermal stress and intense UV radiation. We offer a great selection of plastics specifically for the construction of round and rectangular tanks. They are particularly chemicals-resilient,heat-resilient and easy to process. We will gladly advise you in selecting the right materials for your application. For construction of your tanks, we offer a comprehensive database of chemicals-resilient plastics and the tried and tested tank calculation program RITA.

Your advantages

  • High process safety thanks to outstanding chemicals resilience
  • Form masses with DIBt-approval
  • Long service life
  • Suitable for outdoor use thanks to high UV resilience
  • Very easily weldable and processable

Typical areas of application

  • Storage tanks for different chemical media
  • Rectangular tanks
  • Round tanks
  • Roofs and bottoms for tanks
  • In liners in composite tanks

RITA tank calculation programme

Our tank calculation programme RITA® - Röchling's Integrated Tankbuilding Assistant calculatess free standing, pressureless circular and rectangular tanks under consideration of the current DVS-standards.

More about our RITA® tank calculation programme

Application examples

Крепёж Durostone®

Крепеж Durostone® имеет очень низкую теплопроводность по сравнению со сталью, что означает, что его можно использовать для предотвращения температурных мостов в строительном секторе, например, при монтаже фасадов. Все варианты Durostone® имеют теплопроводность 0,3 Вт / мК, что позволяет им сравниться с минеральной ватой, которая используется в качестве изоляционного материала в строительстве.

Мобильный чехол

При плотности 0,65 г / см3 Foamlite® P намного легче по весу, чем любой лист из полипропилена (0,915 г / см3). Легкий конструкционный материал специально предназначен для использования в химическом производстве благодаря своей химической стойкости и механической стабильности. Foamlite® с его небольшим весом может быть использован, например, в качестве мобильного чехла для химической ёмкости.

Storage tanks for sulphuric acid

Made of Polystone® G black B 100, the sulphuric acid storage tank resist the chemical stress permanently and permit safe storage.

Related Products

  1. PE > PE-HD (PE 100)

    Polystone® G 100 natural

  2. PE > PE-HD (PE 100)

    Polystone® G B 100 black

  3. PE > PE-HD (PE 100)

    Polystone® G B 100 RC black

  4. PE > PE-HD - PE 300

    Polystone® G black

  5. PE > PE-HD (PE 100)

    Polystone® G CubX® black

  6. PE > PE-HD - PE 300

    Polystone® G HD black

  7. PE > PE-HD - PE 300

    Polystone® G HD grey

  8. PE > PE-HD - PE 300

    Polystone® G HD natural

  9. PE > PE-HD - PE 300

    Polystone® G HD SK black

Arrange technical advice

The performance and reliability of materials for storage tanks for chemical media are influenced by a variety of factors. These criteria need to be considered in order to make the right choice. Examples:

We are happy to advise you on the selection of suitable materials for your particular application. Just use our contact form at the bottom of the page and write to us.



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