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Polystone® M Slide + AST grey

PE — PE-UHMW - PE 1000

Polystone® M is an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW/PE 1000) used to solve friction, wear and material flow problems in many industries. The material is characterized by excellent sliding properties, extreme wear resistance, high impact strength and very good resistance to chemicals and has established itself in technical applications. The material is available in various colors.

black grey, similar RAL 7021


  • Low coefficient of friction
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Antistatic
  • Self-lubricating
  • Noise-reducing
  • UV-resistant


Technical Specifications Polystone® M Slide + AST grey

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183-1g / cm3>0,95
Water absorptionDIN EN ISO 62%0,01
Flammability (Thickness 3 mm / 6 mm)UL 94HB
Molecular weight-106 g/mol 9
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Yield stressDIN EN ISO 527MPa>20
Elongation at breakDIN EN ISO 527%>50
Tensile modulus of elasticityDIN EN ISO 527MPa>600
Notched impact strengthDIN EN ISO 11542kJ / m2>110
Shore hardnessDIN EN ISO 868scale D>60
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Melting temperatureISO 11357-3°C130 ... 135
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W / (m * K)0,40
Thermal capacityDIN 52612kJ / (kg * K)1,90
Coefficient of linear thermal expansionDIN 5375210-6 / K150 ... 230
Service temperature, long termAverage°C-250 … 80
Service temperature, short term (max.)Average°C130
Vicat softening temperatureDIN EN ISO 306, Vicat B°C79
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Volume resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-1Ω * cm109
Surface resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-2Ω109


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