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Joachim Lehmann Appointed CFO of Röchling Medical

  • Director Business Unit Medical Europe promoted
  • Evelyn Thome focuses on her role as Group CFO

Mannheim, 9 February 2022 | Joachim Lehmann has assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Röchling Medical SE, a division of the Mannheim-based Röchling Group and a leading manufacturer for the healthcare industry, effective 1 February 2022. The previous CFO Evelyn Thome will focus on her core task as CFO of the Röchling Group. In recent years, Joachim Lehmann was responsible for the Medical sites in Brensbach and Neuhaus am Rennweg/both Germany as Director Business Unit Medical Europe.

In this role, the 52-year-old not only drove forward the commercial issues in his area of responsibility, but also managed the areas of sales and purchasing. The redesign of the site in Brensbach, including the construction of the clean room technology, the support of the acquisition of the Medical site in Neuhaus am Rennweg on 1 January 2015, and the further development of the two sites are among the milestones of Joachim Lehmann's activities for Röchling.

Joachim Lehmann joined the company at Röchling Industrial Lahnstein/Germany on 1 July 2003. Following the purchase of Oertl Kuststofftechnik in Brensbach by the Röchling Group in 2008, he agreed to take over the commercial management in February 2012. Since then, Joachim Lehmann has immersed himself deeply in the field of medical technology.

"With his profound knowledge and commercial expertise in the medical technology sector, Joachim Lehmann ideally complements the Executive Board of Röchling Medical," emphasizes the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Röchling Medical, Dr. Boris Fröhlich. The newest division of the Röchling Group is completed by Chief Operating Officer (COO) Dr. Andreas Gabriel. In addition to the commercial functions of accounting, finance, and controlling, Joachim Lehmann will also be responsible for IT at Röchling Medical.

Evelyn Thome had assumed the role of CFO for Röchling Medical in addition to her role as CFO of the Röchling Group as of 1 January 2020. With the appointment of Joachim Lehmann, she is once again focusing on her extensive responsibilities for the Röchling Group.

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