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Durolight® S3




  • Low thermal conductivity
  • High mechanical strength
  • Glass-reinforced thermoset SMC high-pressure laminate developed for applications at cryogenic temperatures

Application Examples

Insulating load bearing pipe supports

Durolight®, a fibre reinforced insulating composite was designed and developed to meet the thermal and mechanical requirements of load bearing supports in LNG applications. The very low thermal conductivity and ability of this material to operate in environments with temperatures from 196 °C to +200 °C (-320 °F to 392 °F) make it an excellent choice for insulation of pipelines and also for use as thermal breaks within the Oil & Gas industry. Durolight® is naturally flame retardant & halogen free, resistant to weathering, abrasion and wear. With these exceptional properties having led to Durolight® being approved by such companies as Bechtel Corp, Linde AG and Tractebel S.A./N.V.


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438195Durolight® S3 pressed sheet sheet 2.440 x 1.220 x 4 (+/-0,5) mm 2,440 mm 1,220 mm 4 mm

Technical Specifications Durolight® S3

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityISO 1183g / cm31,85
Flexural strength RTISO 178MPa350
Flexural strength -196°CISO 178MPa500
Modulus of elasticity in flexion RTISO 178MPa17000
Modulus of elasticity in flexion -196°CISO 178MPa20000
Compressive strength RTISO 604MPa450
Compressive strength II RTISO 604MPa300
Compressive strength II -196°CISO 604MPa350
Compressive strength -196°CISO 604MPa550
Tensile strength II RTISO 527MPa280
Tensile strength II -196°CISO 527MPa360
Impact strength II (Charpy)ISO 179kJ / m290
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Thermal conductivity W / (m * K) 0,3
Coefficient of linear expansion TMA (Mettler)10-6 x K-1 65
Coefficient of linear expansion IITMA (Mettler)10-6 x K-1 13
Operating temperature°C-196 to +180
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Water absorption (method 1)ISO 62% 0,1


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