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WANTED! - Technical applications for biopolymers

Alternative raw materials

Fossil raw materials are finite. Science and industry are looking for alternative problem-solving approaches, addressing renewable raw materials, regenerative sources of energy and electrical mobility. The intermediates of the plastics industry are also predominantly of a petrochemical nature, and are based on petroleum. Admittedly, they only make up 4 – 6 % of the quantity extracted (Source: PlasticsEurope 2010) or are refining by-products.

Before the last oil reserves for mobility, heat and electricity are burned altogether, there are certainly more meaningful applications for this valuable raw material. This is why experts assume that fossil resources will be available for industrial plastics production for a long time to come. But there is no reason why we should not concern ourselves with alternatives now. Particularly in the field of consumer goods or agriculture, there are already meaningful examples of application for biopolymers. In this vein, there are packaging, bottles, foils or carrier bags made of renewable raw materials or foils compostable for the agricultural sector.

Yet, in the case of technical applications, the “bio” topic has not yet established itself, although its importance is growing. We would, therefore, like to invite you to have a think with us about where you now see starting points for biopolymers for your products.

Applications for biopolymers

The Röchling High-Performance Plastics Group has been grappling intensively with the topic of biopolymers for technical applications. For example, we have already produced semi-finished products on the basis of important biogenic raw materials such as PLA (polylactides), PA 6.10 or even composites (WPC, wood polymer composite). Also the Division Röchling Automotive has outstanding know-how in this field.
Biopolymers have, in part, other property profiles than conventional plastics. For this reason, the great versatility of the biopolymers also offers new potential for their application in technical applications. We would like to develop this together with you.

You are in demand!

If you see starting points for your company for the application of innovative bio-materials, wholly or partially produced from renewable raw materials or that are biologically degradable, then we really should have a chat.

Write us and ensure yourself a head start: bioroech @roechling-hppling .com

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Plastics for technical Applications
