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Durolight® S


Durolight® is a new developed insulating composite material especially designed to meet the thermal and mechanical requirements of load bearing supports. Durolight® is manufactured from a special formulation of selected synthetic resins in combination with high-strength glass reinforcements.

cream, similar RAL 9001


  • Low thermal conductivity and high mechanical strength
  • Glass-reinforced thermoset SMC high-pressure laminate developed for applications at cryogenic temperatures

Application Examples

Podpěry potrubních systémů

Materiál Durolight® je vlákny laminovaný izolační materiál, který byl vyvinut speciálně pro tepelné a mechanické požadavky na podpěry potrubních systémů. S extrémně nízkou tepelnou vodivostí a vhodností pro použití v teplotách −196 °C až +200 °C (−320 °F až 392 °F) se materiál Durolight® hodí pro trvalé izolování potrubí a tepelné oddělení v ropném a plynárenském průmyslu. Materiál Durolight® je ohnivzdorný, neobsahuje halogeny, je odolný proti vlivům povětrnosti a má vysokou odolnost proti otěru a opotřebení. Materiál Durlolight® schválily renomované podniky jako Bechtel Corp, Linde AG a Tractebel S.A./N.V.


No stock item (MOQ)
402825Durolight® S pressed sheet sheet 1.000 x 1.000 x 40 mm 1 000 mm 1 000 mm 40 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
404572Durolight® S pressed sheet sheet 2.440 x 1.220 x 60 (+/-0,1) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 60 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
413012Durolight® S pressed sheet sheet 2.440 x 580 x 50 mm 2 440 mm 580 mm 50 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
342926Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 20 (+/-1,3) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 20 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
363183Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 80 (+/-0,5) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 80 mm
Stock item (no MOQ)
364937Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 50 (+/-1,75) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 50 mm
Stock item (no MOQ)
367784Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 25 (+/-1,45) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 25 mm
Stock item (no MOQ)
371343Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 53 (+/-1,8) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 53 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
402926Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 25 (+/-0,2) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 25 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
402927Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 40 (+/-0,2) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 40 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
402928Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 45 (+/-0,2) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 45 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
402929Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 65 (+/-0,5) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 65 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
402930Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.390 x 1.190 x 90 (+/-0,5) mm 2 390 mm 1 190 mm 90 mm
Stock item (no MOQ)
404570Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 50 (+/-0,1) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 50 mm
Stock item (no MOQ)
433210Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 1.220 x 32 (+/-1,45) mm 2 440 mm 1 220 mm 32 mm
No stock item (MOQ)
442266Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90012.440 x 730 x 80 (+/-2,2) mm 2 400 mm 730 mm 80 mm
Stock item (no MOQ)
471068Durolight® S white pressed sheet sheet cream, similar RAL 90011.220 x 1.220 x 60 mm 1 220 mm 1 220 mm 60 mm

Technical Specifications Durolight® S

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityISO 1183g / cm31,85
Flexural strength 0°CISO 178MPa140
Flexural strength +50°CISO 178MPa125
Flexural strength +100°CISO 178MPa110
Flexural strength +150°CISO 178MPa80
Flexural strength -50°CISO 178MPa160
Flexural strength -100°CISO 178MPa175
Flexural strength -150°CISO 178MPa190 1)
Flexural strength -196°CISO 178MPa205 1)
Modulus of elasticity in flexion 0°CISO 178MPa 9000
Compressive strength 0°CISO 604MPa250
Compressive strength +50°CISO 604MPa220
Compressive strength +100°CISO 604MPa190
Compressive strength +150°CISO 604MPa160
Compressive strength -50°CISO 604MPa280
Compressive strength -100°CISO 604MPa310
Compressive strength -150°CISO 604MPa335 1)
Compressive strength -196°CISO 604MPa360 1)
Tensile strength II 0°CISO 527MPa75
Impact strength (Charpy) RTISO 179kJ / m275
Shear strength II RTDIN EN 60893MPa20
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
FlammabilityUL 94/V0 / 3mm
Smoke density & toxicity, classNF F 16-101/F0
Fire test, classNF P 92-501/M1
Thermal conductivity RTW / (m * K) 0,3 1)2)
Thermal conductivity -50°CW / (m * K) 0,27 1)2)
Thermal conductivity -196W / (m * K) 0,21 1)2)
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Water absorption (4mm thickness)ISO 62%0,2


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