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Röchling opens location in Geeste-Dalum

Sustainable processing of engineering plastics

The Haren-based plastics processor Röchling Engineering Plastics SE & Co. KG consistently continues to invest in sustainability and opens a plant in Geeste-Dalum to close the material cycle between Röchling and its customers. This gives customers the opportunity to reduce the amount of waste they produce and to return unused residues from their own production to Röchling and obtain new semi-finished products made from them. Production residues from the plant in Haren and other Röchling locations are also to be processed here.

Opening of the Röchling plant in Geeste-Dalum: (from left) Detlef Einhaus, Helmut Höke (Mayor of Geeste-Dalum), Heiner Englisch (Plant Manager), Florian Helmich (Röchling Management, Haren), Michael Schulte (Plant Foreman), Daniel Lüken (Process Engineering), Sebastian Einhaus

What happens at the new location?

The plastics processor from Haren, Röchling Engineering Plastics SE & Co. KG, produces among other things from thermoplastics so-called semi-finished plastics. These are sheets, blocks and round rods that are used as processed parts in the capital goods industry. Thermoplastics are valuable raw materials because they have the extraordinary property of being able to be reprocessed several times. However, in order for them to be reprocessed into a high-quality semi-finished technical plastic product, they must be separated by type. After that, the residual pieces are ground to achieve a raw material with processable grain size.

The residual pieces from Röchling Industrial's production sites and from customers are delivered separately by type and processed into a raw material in special shredding plants, then filled into Big Packs and made available again to Röchling's production sites for semi-finished product production. Heiner Englisch, who is responsible for the new site as plant manager, explains the significance for the Haren operation: "This new production facility significantly strengthens our plant in Haren in the processing of high-quality regenerates and, by concentrating our processing activities at the Dalum site, we can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of the preliminary products."

All equipment at the Dalum plant is powered by electricity and is acoustically encapsulated in such a way that the environmental impact of potential emissions is reduced to a minimum. Heiner Englisch: "To make a further contribution to the environment, we will equip the roofs of our new halls with photovoltaic systems."

Röchling Industrial has long been involved in the use of recycled raw materials from plastic remnants for sustainable products. For this purpose, long-term partnerships exist with customers from whom Röchling takes back the unused plastic scraps sorted by type, processes them, and then feeds them back into the production of engineering plastics. Röchling intends to push these partnerships strongly in order to achieve as complete a cycle of raw materials as possible.

Operations in Geeste-Dalum

The new facility has a size of 6,300 square meters. An additional 23,000 square feet is already contractually optioned for planned future growth. The existing hall with 1,000 square meters of space is to be duplicated in the medium term, so that the processing capacity will also double. In the medium term, Röchling is planning here with a workforce of about 20 employees.

At the official inauguration, Florian Helmich expressly thanked the municipality of Geeste for the excellent cooperation and especially Mayor Helmut Höke for his personal commitment: "The cooperation was usual Emsland: uncomplicated and reliable, as we are also used to from Haren. I thank herewith once again all involved for the excellent support, the constructive discussions and the great commitment in the implementation of the project."

Mayor Helmut Höke is pleased about the new settlement: "I am pleased that the internationally active company Röchling has chosen the location in Geeste-Dalum. Sustainability in a closed economic cycle has a future and will continue to develop. The space is already available. The synergies with the company Einhaus Baustoffe & Recycling GmbH from Dalum are also advantageous. This leads to a strengthening of the business location Geeste."

Helmich also thanked the Dalum entrepreneur Detlef Einhaus, from whom Röchling acquired the property: "The cooperation can be described briefly with "one man one word" apt. We had the first talks in July last year and we were then very quickly agreed."

Röchling and sustainability

The Röchling Group, of which Röchling Engineering Plastics is a part, is a family-owned company with a long tradition that places the highest value on what it calls "grandfathering". "It is important to us to pay attention to sustainability in all our actions in order to leave a world worth living in for future generations and also in order to be able to hand over a sustainable company to future family shareholders," says Florian Helmich, COO Industrial Division, summing up the company's motivation. This also includes the responsible handling of valuable resources.

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