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Röchling's Talentmeile (talent mile) attracts more than 170 guests

  • Comprehensive information about training and dual study opportunities at the Haren site
  • Röchling breaks new ground in the search for young talent
More than an apprenticeship: The current trainees and trainers presented the professions under this motto
Insights into materials testing: The guests were given exciting information about the different professions

What happens after school? What training and dual study options are there and what is behind the professions? Deciding what to do after school is a challenge for many pupils. Röchling Industrial supports young people in the region and has invited interested pupils and their chaperones to the first Talentmeile (talent mile) at the company.


Internal training exhibition with helpful information

At various stands, more than 170 guests were able to find out about training and study opportunities as well as the company. Through discussions with current trainees and trainers, the guests were given an insight into the activities and processes of the training occupations. In addition, the pupils were able to demonstrate their skills on the forklift simulator and various VR applications and were given first-hand application tips.


Promoting young talent with high priority 

“As a family-owned company, we attach great importance to training our young talent,” explains Daniel Fritz, CFO Röchling Industrial. “Not only well-trained specialists, but also trainees are becoming increasingly difficult to find. With the Talentmeile, we are breaking new ground to support school pupils in finding a career.”

“Our aim is to make direct contact with interested pupils and their parents and give them the opportunity to find out all about our training opportunities and our company. The positive feedback and lively dialogue confirm our new concept,” adds Renate Telgenkämper, who is responsible for training in Haren together with Valeri Karastelev. In future, the Talentmeile will take place every two years.


Diverse training opportunities at Röchling Industrial

Röchling Industrial is a leading company in the processing of technical plastics. Almost 900 employees work in the Industrial division's lead company in Haren, including more than 50 trainees. Every year, the company offers numerous places in twelve apprenticeships and five dual study programmes in the commercial and industrial/technical fields. 

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