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Products, People, Planet

As a family company, we at Röchling stand for value-based and sustainable action. We treat the environment and society as we do our customers, partners and employees: with mutual respect, great regard and considerable trust. We divide our focus topics into the three fields of action Products, People, Planet.


The focus is on our products and therefore our customers. We create competitive advantages for our customers and actively support them in achieving their sustainability goals. Our focus topics:

Sustainable products & innovations

With our sustainable products and innovations we contribute to the sustainability of our customers' applications and conserve resources.

Circular economy

We are strengthening the circular economy as one of the most important tasks of the plastics industry. We pursue different approaches for the individual requirements of our company divisions. 

Product quality & product safety

We continuously optimize the quality and safety of our products with clearly defined processes and responsibilities.

Röchling-BioBoom® & Röchling-ReLoop®

As a global plastics expert, we are aware of our special responsibility towards the environment, our customers, partners and employees. With our product families Röchling-BioBoom® and Röchling-ReLoop®, we are continuously expanding our portfolio of bioplastics and high-quality recycled materials. Our goal is to reduce our environmental footprint and increase sustainability in our customers’ applications.

Our three corporate divisions Automotive, Industrial and Medical have individual sustainability product portfolios that they are continuously developing specifically for the requirements of our customers in their respective markets.

With our Röchling-BioBoom® product family of bioplastics, we extract bio-based raw materials and conserve fossil resources. Röchling-BioBoom® includes bio-based plastics and mass-balanced bioplastics.


Our Röchling-ReLoop® product family for high-quality recycled materials conserves valuable resources and closes material cycles. Röchling-ReLoop® is available as a post-consumer recycling or post-industrial recycling product.



The focus is on our more than 11,700 employees. We are continuously working on a sustainable, safe and diverse working environment. Our focus topics are:

Attractive workplace & employee development

We attach great importance to recognizing, promoting and developing the potential of our employees. An attractive working environment with motivated, qualified and inquisitive employees is of great importance for securing the future of our company.

Occupational health and safety

We systematically take a wide range of measures to continuously optimize safety at work and to promote the health of our more than 11,700 employees worldwide. The health of our employees is our top priority. Occupational safety, health protection and prevention are firmly anchored in our corporate guidelines.

Diversity, inclusion & equal opportunity

As an international company, we focus on diversity, equal opportunities and the compatibility of family and work. This is reflected in a wide range of measures in our three corporate divisions.


The focus is on our environment. We are constantly reducing our ecological footprint. Our focus topics are:

Climate change

We are systematically reducing our greenhouse gas footprint through measures to increase efficiency, procurement and self-sufficiency.

Responsible use of energy and resources

We use energy and resources in our processes as efficiently as possible and handle them responsibly.

Materiality analysis

As part of our materiality analysis, we systematically identified our focus areas. Three points were particularly important: taking into account the know-how of our employees, the requirements of our customers and the specific structures of our three corporate divisions Automotive, Industrial and Medical.

The starting point was to identify sustainability issues that were potentially relevant to us. To do this, we evaluated the content of different sustainability standards and analyzed the most important market competitors in our business areas. The result was a long list of potential sustainability issues.

We condensed the longlist into a shortlist and reflected on it with the help of individual interviews. Interview partners were the Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Röchling Group, the members of the Executive Board of the Röchling Group and our three divisions, the members of the Röchling Board Sustainability, representatives of the Röchling Foundation and external experts from industry associations.

In an online survey, we asked all of our more than 11,700 employees worldwide for their feedback on the shortlist. In another online survey, internal specialists and managers rated each topic on the shortlist. For each topic, we asked what positive or negative influence Röchling has on it and how it can positively or negatively influence the company's success.

The members of the Management Board of our divisions reflected on the results in workshops. The resulting conclusions were then discussed by the members of our Executive Board in a workshop.

We are currently validating our strategic focus areas in dialogue with customers in our three divisions.

Signatory to the United Nations Global Compact


As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, human rights are a central concern for our company. This affects both our own business area and our supply chains. In our code of conduct, we describe how we see ourselves and what we expect of all employees and business partners. In addition to respecting human rights, the focus is also on labor and social standards, environmental protection, health and safety.

Sustainable Development Goals



With its “Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development” (Agenda 2030 for short), the United Nations (UN) have defined how global economic progress should be designed in harmony with social justice. The goals of this agenda are formulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As an international company, we would like to contribute to achieving these goals with our business activities.




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Röchling Group