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Polystone® G CubX® black

PE — PE-HD (PE 100)

Polystone® G CubX®: Covering sheets made of Polystone® G (PE100 RC) with very good stress cracking resistance and UV resistance for outdoor use.

  • High longitudinal and transversal stiffness
  • High chemical resistance
  • Light weight, easy handling
  • Good thermal insulation
  • Easy to weld by means of heating element butt welding, hot gas welding, extrusion welding
black, similar RAL 9005
cross-ribbed twin-wall sheet


  • High longitudinal and transversal stiffness
  • Good handling
  • Low weight
  • Good thermal insulation
  • Good machinability
  • Good weldability
  • Chemical resistant

Technical Specifications Polystone® G CubX® black

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Thermal conductivityISO 8302 | Tested with: GHP 500-1, Single-sheet processW / (m * K)Lambda 0,2
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183g / cm30,3
Area weightkg/m218,6
Weld strength lattice / covering sheetsMPa 16
FlatnessDIN EN ISO 15860mm/m4
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Density, RTDIN EN ISO 1183g / cm30,96
Yield stressDIN EN ISO 527MPa24
Elongation at breakDIN EN ISO 527%> 50
Tensile modulus of elasticityDIN EN ISO 527MPa1000
Notched impact strengthDIN EN ISO 179kJ / m220
Dielectric constantIEC 602502,5
Surface resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-2>1014


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