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Sustamid® 6G blue

PA — PA 6 G

sky blue, similar RAL 5015gentian blue, similar RAL 5010traffic blue, similar RAL 5017blue
sheetrodtubular barbloc


  • Good toughness
  • High mechanical strength
  • Good impact strength
  • Good weldability
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Good machinability
  • Good sliding properties
  • High absorption of moisture depending on temperature and humidity

Application Examples

Componenti per ROV

I sottomarini a comando remoto (ROV) vengono progettati per l’utilizzo in acque sempre più profonde. Noi vi supportiamo nello sviluppo con la nostra ampia gamma di materiali leggeri e resistenti alla corrosione, come Polystone® P e Polystone® D, intrinsecamente galleggianti, pensati per la costruzione del telaio. Le scatole elettroniche in Sustarin® C, a loro volta, sono più leggere delle tradizionali scatole elettroniche in metallo e, al tempo stesso resistenti alla corrosione. Gli ugelli di comando in Sustamid® 6G, un materiale leggero, resistente alla corrosione e agli urti, sono robusti e longevi.

Spezzatrice arrotondatrice per panini

Nella produzione industriale di panini i materiali di Röchling contribuiscono all’efficienza del processo produttivo: il tamburo della camera in Sustarin® C ruota nel senso inverso al tamburo di arrotondamento in Sustamid® 6G, formando in questo modo le palline di pasta.

Trasportatori a rullo

Grazie all’eccellente resistenza all’abrasione, all’elevata resistenza meccanica e resilienza alle temperature, i trasportatori a rullo, lavorati per asportazione di truciolo con tolleranze strette in Sustamid® 6G, hanno un usura minore dell’acciaio, una bassa manutenzione e sono molto longevi.

Rulli conici

Durante l’installazione di tubi, i tradizionali rulli conici in metallo possono causare danni ai costosi rivestimenti anticorrosione dei tubi. I rulli conici realizzati in Sustamid® 6G vi offrono una plasmabilità più elevata, riducendo quindi il rischio di potenziali danni. In più Sustamid® 6G ha un basso coefficiente di attrito, un’eccellente resistenza all’usura e all’urto e offre un notevole risparmio di peso rispetto all’acciaio (circa 1/7 del peso). Inoltre, sono disponibili materiali per la produzione di rulli conici per l’impiego in ambienti ATEX e materiali autolubrificanti.

Rulli guida

I rulli guida in Sustamid® 6G e Lamigamid®, lavorati con tolleranze ristrette, grazie all'eccellente resistenza all'abrasione e all'elevata resistenza meccanica e robustezza, si consumano meno dell'acciaio, richiedono poca manutenzione e garantiscono una vita utile molto lunga. Saremo lieti di consigliarvi e aiutarvi nella scelta dei materiali, nella progettazione e nei calcoli delle sollecitazioni.

Guarnizioni per tenuta a labirinto

Le guarnizioni per tenuta a labirinto Sustamid® 6G per il cuscinetto del rotore sono resistenti agli agenti lubrificanti, offrono un’elevata stabilità dimensionale e consentono di minimizzare a lungo termine e in modo affidabile le perdite di lubrificante.

Pulegge e segmenti di puleggia

Nell’ambiente sottomarino, per installare tecnologie e attrezzature nell’acqua, vengono spesso impiegati sistemi di sollevamento, i cui cavi in metallo e plastica sono esposti a carichi elevati. Rispetto alle pulegge tradizionali in metallo, le pulegge in Sustamid® 6G riducono i suddetti carichi e contribuiscono a una maggiore durata del cavo. I nostri materiali Sustamid® hanno un basso coefficiente di attrito, un’ottima resistenza all’usura e, al tempo stesso, un’estrema resistenza all’urto. La densità di questo materiale corrisponde a 1/7 della densità dell’acciaio e garantisce pertanto un notevole risparmio di peso. Inoltre Sustamid® è adatto all’uso in ambienti ATEX ed è un materiale autolubrificante.

Elemento scorrevole per i bracci della gru

Gli elementi scorrevoli in poliammide colata arricchita con lubrificante assicurano un'estensione regolare nei bracci telescopici della gru e del dispositivo. Offrono elevata resistenza e rigidità e favoriscono l'uscita con eccellenti proprietà di scorrimento. Di questo gruppo di materiali fanno parte i nostri materiali PA 6G Sustamid® 6G, Sustaglide®, Lamigamid® 319 e Lamigamid® 318.

No stock item (MOQ)
102066Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50158 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 8 mm
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102073Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501510 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 10 mm
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102076Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501512 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 12 mm
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102136Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50156 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 6 mm
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102137Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50158 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 8 mm
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102138Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501510 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 10 mm
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102139Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501512 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 12 mm
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102140Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501516 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 16 mm
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102141Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501516 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 16 mm
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102143Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501520 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 20 mm
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102144Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501520 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 20 mm
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102145Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501525 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 25 mm
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102146Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501525 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 25 mm
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102148Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501530 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 30 mm
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102149Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501530 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 30 mm
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102150Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501535 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 35 mm
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102151Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501535 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 35 mm
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102152Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501540 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 40 mm
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102153Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501540 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 40 mm
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102154Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501545 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 45 mm
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102155Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501550 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 50 mm
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102156Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501550 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 50 mm
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102157Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501570 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 70 mm
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102158Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501580 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 80 mm
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102183Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501515 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 15 mm
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102184Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501575 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 75 mm
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115022Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 60 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 60 mm
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115030Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 70 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 70 mm
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115034Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 75 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 75 mm
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115035Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 75 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 75 mm
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115038Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 76 x 3050 mm 3.050 mm 76 mm
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115040Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 80 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 80 mm
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115041Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 80 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 80 mm
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115044Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 85 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 85 mm
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115045Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 85 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 85 mm
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115048Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 90 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 90 mm
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115049Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 90 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 90 mm
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115056Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 100 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 100 mm
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115057Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 100 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 100 mm
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115060Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 105 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 105 mm
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115064Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 110 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 110 mm
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115065Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 110 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 110 mm
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115072Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 120 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 120 mm
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115077Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 125 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 125 mm
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115078Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 125 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 125 mm
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115082Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 130 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 130 mm
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115086Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 135 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 135 mm
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115090Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 140 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 140 mm
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115093Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 145 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 145 mm
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115095Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 150 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 150 mm
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115101Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 160 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 160 mm
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115107Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 170 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 170 mm
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115110Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 180 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 180 mm
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115117Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 200 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 200 mm
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115122Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 210 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 210 mm
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115127Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 220 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 220 mm
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115134Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 240 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 240 mm
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115142Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 260 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 260 mm
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115166Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 350 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 350 mm
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115200Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 130 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 130 mm
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115201Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 135 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 135 mm
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115202Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 140 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 140 mm
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115203Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 145 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 145 mm
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115204Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 150 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 150 mm
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115205Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 160 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 160 mm
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115208Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 170 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 170 mm
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115209Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 180 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 180 mm
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115211Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 200 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 200 mm
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115371Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 100 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 100 mm
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215161Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501560 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 60 mm
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215305Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501515 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 15 mm
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600845Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50156 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 6 mm
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600849Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501570 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 70 mm
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600934Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501555 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 55 mm
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601093Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 95 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 95 mm
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601603Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 155 x 1220 mm 1.220 mm 155 mm
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620465Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501545 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 45 mm
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622471Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 250 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 250 mm
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654796Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501560 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 60 mm
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654797Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 100 mm
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655771Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 60 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 60 mm
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657420Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 70 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 70 mm
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657423Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 80 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 80 mm
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658021Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501580 x 1000 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 1.000 mm 80 mm
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664272Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 700/600 x 150 mm 150 mm 700 mm 600 mm
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664275Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 600/540 x 450 mm 450 mm 600 mm 540 mm
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667823Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501562 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 62 mm
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667980Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501572 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 72 mm
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678563Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 95 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 95 mm
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678922Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 105 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 105 mm
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684655Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 50 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 50 mm
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685768Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 825/750 x 380 mm 380 mm 825 mm 750 mm
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692246Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501532 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 32 mm
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692835Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50157x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 7 mm
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692837Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501513 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 13 mm
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692838Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501519 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 19 mm
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692840Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501526 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 26 mm
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692842Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501532 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 32 mm
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692843Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501538 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 38 mm
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692844Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501551 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 51 mm
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692845Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501564 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 64 mm
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696133Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 850/750 x 500 mm 500 mm 850 mm 750 mm
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699007Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ120/60x3000mm 3.000 mm 120 mm 60 mm
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699014Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ150/60x3000mm 3.000 mm 150 mm 60 mm
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699021Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ120/60x1000mm 1.000 mm 120 mm 60 mm
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699025Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ150/60x1000mm 1.000 mm 150 mm 60 mm
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700895Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 1900/1550 x 140 mm 140 mm 1.900 mm 1.550 mm
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703216Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod blueØ110x3000mm 3.000 mm 110 mm
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706270Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 100 mm
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709112Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501577 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 77 mm
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709407Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 600 x 115 mm 115 mm 600 mm
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710054Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 76 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 76 mm
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716006Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 120 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 120 mm
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718447Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 850/750 x 250 mm 250 mm 850 mm 750 mm
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721175Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 600/540 x 250 mm 250 mm 600 mm 540 mm
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721563Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 280 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 280 mm
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746657Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc traffic blue, similar RAL 5017100 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 1.000 mm 100 mm
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749604Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 5010100 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 100 mm
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749605Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 5010110 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 110 mm
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755537Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501045 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 45 mm
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759880Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 120 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 120 mm
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800399Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501010 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 10 mm
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809689Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501580 x 1000 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 1.000 mm 80 mm
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809950Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1000 x 1000 mm 1.000 mm 1.000 mm 100 mm
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920221Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 260 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 260 mm
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920224Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 76 x 3000 mm 3.000 mm 76 mm
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920225Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 130 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 130 mm
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920226Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 140 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 140 mm
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920231Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 155 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 155 mm
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920234Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 180 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 180 mm
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920237Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 210 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 210 mm
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920377Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501513 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 13 mm
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920378Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50157 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 7 mm
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920379Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501519 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 19 mm
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920412Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501532 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 32 mm
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920414Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501576 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 76 mm
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921885Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501030 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 30 mm
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922158Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 430/120 x 900 mm 900 mm 430 mm 120 mm
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922839Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501563 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 63 mm
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922841Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501511 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 11 mm
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922845Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501553 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 53 mm
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922846Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501563 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 63 mm
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923086Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501032 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 32 mm
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923087Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501032 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 32 mm
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925339Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 800/675 x 320 mm 320 mm 800 mm 675 mm
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925340Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 650/475 x 320 mm 320 mm 650 mm 475 mm
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925396Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 475 x 750 mm 750 mm 475 mm
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926009Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 1.000 mm 100 mm
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926010Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501575 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 1.000 mm 75 mm
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928303Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 600 x 1100 mm 1.100 mm 600 mm
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929811Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501565 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 65 mm
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929812Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501590 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 1.000 mm 90 mm
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931119Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501575 x 600 x 1220 mm 1.220 mm 600 mm 75 mm
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931666Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015160 x 600 x 665 mm 665 mm 600 mm 160 mm
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932562Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015110 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1.250 mm 1.000 mm 110 mm
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933308Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501567 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2.000 mm 1.000 mm 67 mm
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933616Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 115 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 115 mm
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933618Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501557 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 57 mm
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933619Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501567 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2.500 mm 1.250 mm 67 mm

Technical Specifications Sustamid® 6G blue

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183-1g / cm31,15
Water absorptionDIN EN ISO 62%2,5
Flammability (Thickness 3 mm / 6 mm)UL 94HB / HB
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Yield stressDIN EN ISO 527MPa75
Elongation at breakDIN EN ISO 527%45
Tensile modulus of elasticityDIN EN ISO 527MPa3400
Notched impact strengthDIN EN ISO 179kJ / m23
Shore hardnessDIN EN ISO 868scale D83
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Melting temperatureISO 11357-3°C216
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W / (m * K)0,25
Thermal capacityDIN 52612kJ / (kg * K)1,70
Coefficient of linear thermal expansionDIN 5375210-6 / K80
Service temperature, long termAverage°C-40 … 110
Service temperature, short term (max.)Average°C170
Heat deflection temperatureDIN EN ISO 75, Verf. A, HDT°C95
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Dielectric constantIEC 602503,7
Dielectric dissipation factor (50 Hz)IEC 602500,02
Volume resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-1Ω * cm1015
Surface resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-2Ω1013
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112600
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243kV / mm20


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