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More stability with Foamlite® P HM

New version offers a higher stability

Röchling Industrial has expanded its lightweight construction portfolio with a new version of the material Foamlite®. The new material offers higher stability with a low weight at the same time. 

If high mechanical stability and low weight are required at the same time, Foamlite® has been a reliable material for years. The closed-pore, foamed plastic sheet offers designers a wide range of options, particularly in lightweight construction. 


The new version Foamlite® P HM has a more than 60 percent higher stability compared to the standard material. Foamlite® P HM is a lightweight sheet based on PP-C. 

Röchling has tested the stability according to DIN EN ISO 527:

Material                          Unit              

Foamlite® P                                1100 MPa                                            

Foamlite® P HM                        1800 MPa                                          


Technical data of Foamlite® P HM:


  • More than 60 percent higher stability compared to Foamlite® P
  • Thermal expansion coefficient: thermal expansion is 21 percent lower than the standard product Foamlite® P
  • Density: 0.7 g / cm³ according to DIN EN ISO 1183-1
  • Screw pull-out values / pull-off strength: 3420 N
  • No water absorption, no rotting, no swelling


Like the Foamlite® P lightweight sheets, the new material Foamlite® P HM is almost 30 percent lighter than comparable compact sheets. Depending on the application, the lightweight sheet enables material savings, is resource-saving and easy to handle. This execution of Foamlite remains 100% recyclable. The agricultural industry and the flight case construction industry have already proven to be ideal  application areas.


Product line


Foamlite® P HM is available in almost any color. The material can be supplied on request with a smooth or fine embossed surface. Foamlite® P HM can also be deliverd  in a slip-resistant design with the special "cubic grain" surface structure. The material is available in many dimensions and thicknesses:

  • Sheet thickness: 6 - 20 mm
  • Width: 1000- 2000mm
  • Length: theoretically unlimited



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Materie plastiche per applicazioni tecniche
