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RITA® 5.0 - new version

Röchling releases a new version of its time-proven tank calculation software

Haren, Germany – Röchling Engineering Plastics SE & Co. KG, Haren/Germany, introduces RITA® 5.0, a new and completely revised version of its time-proven tank calculation software. ‘RITA® 5.0 - Röchling’s Integrated Tank building Assistant’ sizes stationary, unpressurised tanks of round or rectangular design, taking into account the applicable DVS guidelines. Having many new features, RITA® 5.0 facilitates calculation and contributes significantly to the economical production and safety of tanks.

Almost 20 years ago, Röchling introduced RITA® – Röchling’s Integrated Tank building Assistant, the tank calculation software which at that time had been developed in cooperation with TÜV NORD. Today, tank manufacturers from 35 countries rely on the software for the calculation of rectangular tanks and round tanks made of thermoplastics. RITA® provides the user with a verifiable printout of its structural stability containing all the information necessary for the approval of a tank.

In close cooperation with numerous users who used the previous versions in their work, their experiences and suggestions for improvement were incorporated in the development of the new RITA® 5.0 version.

3D Viewer: One of the most striking innovations of RITA® 5.0 is the 3D Viewer, providing a three-dimensional view of the tank

3D Viewer

One of the most striking innovations of RITA® 5.0 is the 3D Viewer, which provides a clear vision of the intended tank based on a three-dimensional preview. The user can switch between the 3D view and the 2D sketch at any time. In addition, precisely dimensioned sketches of the tank are output in the static printout.

User-friendly user interface

The user interface of the tank calculation software has been completely redesigned for this new version. At the same time, the time-proven user-friendliness of the previous versions has been maintained. With a view to international sales, RITA® 5.0 is available in German, English, French, Polish and Czech.

2D view: The user can switch between the 3D view and the 2D sketch at any time.

Earthquake Safety 

Increasingly, when installing a tank in an earthquake zone, proof of its earthquake resistance is required. RITA® 5.0 offers the option of designing round tanks in an earthquake-proof manner and to calculate their anchoring. The verification for the earthquake load case for tanks with sloped or conical bottoms is novel in RITA® 5.0.

Steel Profile Management

The selection of steel profiles intended for reinforcing rectangular tanks in the RITA® database has been expanded for the new version of the software. The ‘Steel profile management’ menu can be used to adjust the order of the steel profiles, just like in the earlier versions.

Calculation of tanks made of Polystone® P CubX®

For the first time, the Polystone® P CubX® twin-wall sheet can also be factored in when calculating rectangular tanks using the RITA® software. FEM (Finite Element Method) is used to perform the complex calculation of deformations and stresses in tanks made of cross-ribbed twin-wall sheets. The use of tension strips means that even longer tanks of Polystone® P CubX® can be designed completely without steel reinforcements.

In addition to these examples, there are many additional innovations in RITA® 5.0, which further simplify tank calculation and design for the manufacturer.

Start menu with frog: The RITA® 5.0 user interface is easy and intuitive to use

Free training and consultation

“We want to make the calculation of rectangular and round tanks made of thermoplastics as easy as possible for our users,” explains Thomas Schüer, Industry Manager Chemical Processes at Röchling, a driver in the development of RITA® for 14 years.

In addition to the unique functionality on the market, Röchling places great importance on service and close support for users. Schüer emphasizes: “We generally offer our users a free consultation. ‘We are also happy to conduct free training via webinars on demand.’

On request Röchling offers interested companies a free trial license of the new version to put the software through its paces.

Complete system for tank and tank design

The RITA® 5.0 tank calculation software is part of Röchling’s comprehensive range of products for chemical tank and plant engineering. The international plastics processor has one of the largest product ranges for this industry – consisting of sheet material, U-sections and hollow sections, as well as welding wire and the tank calculation software RITA®. Röchling has extensive databases and many years of experience with regard to the chemical resistance of thermoplastics. 

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