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Röchling Industrial donates 15,000 euros

Employees and management support Helping Hands e.V. and six regional tent camps.

7,500 euros go to Helping Hands to support aid transports and 7,500 euros go to local tent camps for new purchases and repairs.

‘The money is very important for our work. We organise regular aid transports to Romania, Moldova and Slovakia to provide local people with food, clothing and other essential goods,’ explain Svetlana Keller and Albertine van Schaik, board members of Helping Hands e.V. The association, which currently consists of 70 volunteers, has been providing humanitarian aid for 25 years.

‘One of the reasons we decided to support Helping Hands in Lathen this year is because the organisation carries out many important projects. Especially in the current times, it is important to help people in need,’ explains Torsten Ströer, employee of Röchling Industrial Haren, on behalf of the workforce.

7,500 euros from the workforce and management: Röchling employees Torsten Ströer (left) and Frank Schoneville (right) handing over the cheque to Svetlana Keller and Albertine van Schaik, board members of Helping Hands e.V. (from left to right)

Another 7,500 euros will go to camps in the region. The Haren scouts, the Altharen scouts, the Wesuwe tent camp, the Erika-Altenberge tent camp, the Emmeln tent camp and the Rütenbrock-Fehndorf tent camp will each receive 1,250 euros.

Torsten Ströer says: ‘The camps in and around Haren were hit by storms last year and were badly damaged in places. We have therefore decided to support the six regional camps equally financially.’

Henri Wösten from the Haren scouts said at the handover: ‘The storm destroyed many of our tents, so we had to have them repaired or buy new ones in some cases. The money is particularly helpful here.’

Every year, donations are collected at the Röchling Industrial company party in Haren. Last year, 7,245 euros were raised.

‘We are happy to support the great commitment of our employees and have therefore rounded up and doubled the sum from the company. As a company with regional roots, it is particularly important to us to support local projects that benefit the people and institutions here locally,’ explains Daniel Fritz, CFO of Röchling Industrial.

1,250 euros each: representatives of the workforce and the regional camps at the cheque presentation.

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