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Play-Tec®: Plastics for safe and long-lasting playground

Children love to play and charge around and are eager to discover the world. Playgrounds are the idealplace to do that. For parents, though, the most important thing is that the play equipment must be both safe and suitable for children, so they can feel confident while letting their little ones enjoy new experiences. When planning and designing playgrounds, this must be taken into account from the very start. We offer plastics that are developed specifically for play areas. They meet the high requirements on safety, durability and appearance and offer countless opportunities for the creative design of your play areas.

Play-Tec® PCR also available with Blue Angel-award

The Play-Tec® PCR sheets that have been awarded the Blue Angel have a post-consumer recycled material content > 80% (up to 100% PCR content), which means that fossil raw materials can be saved and valuable resources conserved.

In addition, our Play-Tec® PCR products have successfully passed the AfPS GS 2014:01 test and comply with DIN EN ISO 71-3, thus protecting both the environment and the consumer from negative impacts.

Would you like to learn more?

Blue Angel at Röchling

Your advantages

  • Long-lasting, low-maintenance play areas
  • High safety: no splinters
  • Attractive appearance
  • Easy cleaning means little maintenance
  • Suitable for outdoor use thanks to high UV resistance
  • Easy processing allows play area elements in many different forms

Typical areas of application

  • Sand pits and water play areas
  • Water fun parks
  • High ropes courses

Play-Tec® with up to three colours

In unicolor, bicolor or tricolor available!

Product variants – PlayTec®

Standard dimensions (in mm)3.000 x 1.500; 2.440 x 1.220
Thickness (in mm)12,7; 15 und 19 


Individual adjustments for colour, thicknesses and dimensions are possible.

Our outstanding Play-Tec® characteristics

Safety is the top priority

Play-Tec® meets the strictest safety requirements and has been successfully tested by TÜV NORD Cert GmbH. Children's hands are often not squeamish about playground equipment in their urge to explore. The materials used on playgrounds must therefore be absolutely safe. This means: no risk of injury from splintering or even breakage of the playground elements. No danger from the material itself due to harmful ingredients. Play-Tec® meets these high safety requirements: It poses no risk of injury and has been successfully tested by TÜV NORD CERT GmbH according to DIN EN 71-3, -9, -10, -11. In addition, Play-Tec® meets the requirements of the GS specification AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK „Prüfung und Bewertung von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK) bei der Zuerkennung des GS-Zeichens”.

Colourful! Pale colours - not with us!

Above all, children love it colourful. That's why Play-Tec® is available in almost all colours, single-coloured, two-coloured and three-coloured. Through a lot of commitment and a lot of knowledge, we have developed a product with Play-Tec® that is unrivalled in playground design! We offer: Optimal colour pigments, constant controls through rapid weathering tests in our own technically high-quality laboratories and our own outdoor weathering facilities worldwide!

Long service life and low maintenance

Play-Tec® is resistant to rain, sun, wind and dirt. All year round, play equipment must withstand the stresses of rain, sun, wind and dirt. Play-Tec® is specially developed for outdoor use. The high quality of the product results in a very long service life. Even after 10 years, no embrittlement of the material is to be expected. Play-Tec® also requires very little maintenance. Graffiti and dirt adhere poorly to the surface and can be easily removed with conventional cleaning agents. Scratches are also almost invisible because the material is homogeneously coloured throughout.

Good for the environment

Our Röchling ReLoop® family has now been awarded the "Blauer Engel" with the Play-Tec® PCR products and shows that playgrounds made of recycled plastic can very well contribute to sustainability.

Rapid weathering test

Play-Tec® shows strong colours even after 2000 h xenon and QUV rapid weathering (DIN EN ISO 4892-2 and QUV DIN ISO). The test simulates the effect of the most important climate factors such as UV radiation, heat, humidity and rain in fast motion.

Outdoor weathering systems

It is not always possible to transfer the results from the laboratory test to the real application due to the complex and different influencing factors caused by environmental conditions, which is why Röchling has been collecting experience values in worldwide outdoor weathering systems for more than 20 years. The results and also comparisons with products on the market are convincing!


Play area elements made of Play-Tec®

In Play-Tec® we have developed a material specifically for the design of play areas. It is TÜV certified to EN-71-3, -9, -10, -11 standard, weather-resistant, easy to clean and available in all RAL colours in one, two or three-colour combinations, enabling you to design safe, colourful and low-maintenance play areas with a long life.

Play-Tec® productrange

Product examples

Supports ludoéducatifs en Play-Tec®

Les supports ludoéducatifs fabriqués à l’aide du matériau Play-Tec® contribuent au développement de vos enfants par le jeu. Play-Tec® invite les enfants à expérimenter et à participer. Les supports usinés à partir de panneaux à deux ou trois couleurs stimuleront agilité et développement psychomoteur, et favoriseront un apprentissage animé et riche en couleur, parfaitement adapté aux enfants.

Parcs à bébés et toboggans pour petits enfants

Nos parcs à bébés et toboggans pour petits enfants fabriqués à l’aide de notre matériau Polystone® D sont sûrs, hygiéniques et faciles à nettoyer.

Surfaces de marche en Polystone® Safe-Tec L

Polystone® Safe-Tec L est un matériau spécialement conçu pour les surfaces de marche du secteur des loisirs. Il permet de répondre aux rigoureuses exigences en matière de pouvoir antidérapant et de résistance au piétinement qui s'appliquent, par exemple, aux sols des bacs à sable et des espaces de jeux aquatiques. Grâce aux propriétés anti-glissance de sa surface, ce matériau contribue à prévenir les risques de chute. Il est en outre particulièrement agréable au toucher et résiste aux UV et aux intempéries.

Step safety with Polystone® Safe-Tec L

Polystone® Safe-Tec L is a material specifically designed for step-on surfaces in the leisure sector where particularly high slip and step resistance is required, such as floors of sand pits and water play areas. It's non-slip surface improves step safety, it is pleasant to the touch and it is resistant to UV radiation and weathering. More information about Polystone® Safe-Tec

Arrange technical advice

The performance and reliability of materials used for play areas are influenced by a variety of factors. These factors must be taken into account in order to select the right materials. Examples:

We are happy to advise you on the selection of suitable materials for your particular application. Just use our contact form at the bottom of the page and write to us.



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