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Röchling Industrial has already certified six sites as per ISCC PLUS

International standard promotes sustainability

International plastics processor Röchling Industrial has at this time certified six sites in accordance with the internationally established ISCC PLUS sustainability standard. As one of the world’s largest plastics processors, Röchling shows its commitment to promoting the use of bio-based raw materials in the industry. At the same time, the company’s certification makes a significant contribution to increasing sustainability in its customers’ applications.

The international plastics processor Röchling Industrial is committed to promoting the use of bio-based raw materials in the industry: In addition to the Haren site (photo), five further sites have been certified in accordance with theinternationally established ISCC PLUS sustainability

Röchling Industrial is one of the world’s leading plastics processors whose materials are used as durable products in almost all areas of the capital goods industry. "This certification forms the basis for the further expansion of our range of bio-based materials. We are working intensively to become one of the leading suppliers of bioplastics and recycled materials by 2035," emphasises Franz Lübbers, CEO of Röchling Industrial.

ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) is one of the world’s leading certification schemes for the use of bio-based and recycled raw materials. As a first step, Röchling Industrial has had six locations certified by a certified certification company: The sites in Germany are Haren, Lahnstein, Nentershausen, Ruppertsweiler and Bad-Grönenbach, and in the Czech Republic, Planá nad Lužnicí.

Röchling Industrial uses the ISCC principle of mass balancing for bio-based raw materials in all locations. To this end, bio-based source materials are mixed with fossil raw materials. The proportion of bio-based raw materials is allocated to finished products. The principle systematically reduces the use of fossil raw materials and promotes the use of bio-based raw materials. "However, we feel sustainability and engineering have to go hand in hand. That is another reason why the principle of mass balancing is very interesting", Lübbers points out.

Identical properties as fossil-based products

Mass-balanced products have the same properties as purely fossil-based products. The same technical systems that are used for purely fossil-based materials can be used for processing. “You can rely on proven material properties and use established and efficient production processes,” explains Lübbers.

High transparency creates trust

An essential element of ISCC Plus is the high level of transparency. The use of the bio-based raw material must be documented throughout the entire supply chain. All companies along the value chain, starting with the raw material producer, must be ISCC PLUS certified. “This creates the seamless traceability that trust is based on,” says Lübbers.

Further certifications are in the pipeline

In addition to the six certified sites, Röchling Industrial will have further sites in Dalum and Troisdorf certified in accordance with ISCC PLUS this year.




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