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Röchling takes over Compotech AG

Röchling is taking over the SMC specialist Compotech AG in Weinfelden, Switzerland, with retroactive effect from January 1, 2023, thereby expanding its product portfolio with large-format compression molded parts, in particular for railway technology.

International plastics processor Röchling Industrial takes over Compotech AG in Switzerland.

Compotech specializes in the manufacture of molded parts made from glass fiber reinforced plastic. The large-format parts, which are mainly manufactured using the SMC pressing process, are machined further on CNC machining centers, and then painted, glued and assembled. The products made of fiber composite materials are used throughout Europe in areas such as transport, mechanical and apparatus engineering, medical technology, electrical engineering, and the sanitary sector.

Röchling integrates the activities of Compotech AG into the product line Composites of the Röchling Industrial Division, which, with production sites in Haren/Germany, Nancy/France and Cleveland/USA, is one of the leading manufacturers of composite materials in a large number of industrial sectors worldwide.

“Compotech AG is an ideal addition to our existing activities, especially for ready-to-install interior panels and ready-to-install kits for the rail vehicle industry. We want to integrate the products and services of Compotech AG into our existing activities as quickly as possible and thereby offer our international customers further competitive advantages,” says Franz Lübbers, CEO of Röchling SE & Co. KG, Mannheim, and CEO of Röchling Industrial. Uwe Kassens, who is responsible for the composites business at Röchling Industrial, is looking forward to the integration: "Compotech has an excellent reputation in the market. Our particular interest was aroused by the competence of the highly qualified employees in production, final assembly, and the logistics of complete assemblies. Compotech’s products and services fit perfectly with our existing activities and offer many synergies, not only in Europe."

Markus Schwyn, President of the Board of Directors of Compotech AG, is convinced that in Röchling he has found a company that offers the best prerequisites for the internationalization of the business and the long-term existence of the Swiss company: "Röchling is already very active in the key markets for reinforced plastics well represented and can facilitate international market access for Compotech's high-quality products. The integration also ensures the continued existence of the Weinfelden site in Switzerland for the employees in the long term.”


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