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Durostone® PMP 325


Durostone®compression moulded parts

With modern presses and precise tools we produce the most varied FRP components and pressed parts from SMC and BMC-polyester products. In the SMC technique, a combination of resin and fibres is cured in a mould under pressure and heat. The production method enables time savings, high reproducibility and a smooth surface. The process is particularly suitable for medium-sized series.

With our presses we are able to produce pressed parts with dimensions of 150 x 150 x 150 mm up to 2,200 x 1,600 x 1,200 mm.



  • Good mechanical properties
  • Electrically insulating
  • Chemical resistant
  • Flame retardant
  • Self-extinguishing
  • Good handling
  • Low weight
  • Good weather resistance
  • Smooth surface
  • Good thermal insulation
  • Homogeneously smooth surface for good paint adhesion

Technical Specifications Durostone® PMP 325

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Standard ColorRAL 7035
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Flexural strength ISO 178MPa170
Modulus of elasticity in flexion ISO 178MPa11000
Compressive strength ISO 604MPa220
Tensile strength IIISO 527MPa100
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
FlammabilityIEC 60707/VO/3mm
Coefficient of linear expansion TMA (Mettler)10-6 x K-155 to 65
Coefficient of linear expansion IITMA (Mettler)10-6 x K-115 to 25
Temperature of deflection under loadIEC 893-2°C>200
Thermal conductivityISO 8302W/m K0.3
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Glass contentISO 11667%30
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Electric strength 90°C under oil IEC 60243kV / mm12
Electric strength 90°C under oil IIIEC 60243kV/25mm75
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112CTI600


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