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W naszym newsletterze Röchling Industrial kilka razy w roku opisujemy najnowsze wydarzenia z działu Industrial oraz omawiamy aktualne trendy i zagadnienia związane z obróbką tworzyw sztucznych. W jaki sposób niebieskie podzespoły zwiększają bezpieczeństwo w przemyśle spożywczym? W jaki sposób kontrolowana jest jakość połączeń zgrzewanych w budowie pojemników? Na co należy zwracać uwagę przy wyborze tworzyw hamujących płomienie do pojazdów szynowych?

Dopuszczamy do słowa naszych ekspertów Röchling i z chęcią poznamy nietypowe historie. Czy wiesz, że tworzywo sztuczne od firmy Röchling jest wykorzystywane w hodowli łososia w Norwegii? Przeczytaj tutaj wybrane artykuły z poprzednich wydań naszego newslettera.

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I hereby agree that Röchling SE & Co. KG and/or its affiliated companies (referred to jointly as “Röchling”) may collect, process and use the personal details I have provided (“User Data”) in order to send me marketing content (e.g. about products, services, events of Röchling and interesting information around plastics) via email. For this purpose, Röchling may also pass on your data to an external service provider (data processor) on the basis of a order data processing contract.

I allow Röchling to pass my User Data on to its affiliated companies registered inside and outside the European Economic Area (“Affiliated Companies”) for marketing purposes and allow them to process and use the User Data in order to send me marketing content as described above by email and/or post. In giving my consent I declare that I allow Röchling to store the information of when an email sent to me was opened for the purposes of market research and to enable it to modify the newsletters in response to demand. Röchling will obtain the relevant information by retrieving small images embedded in the newsletters (known as web bugs) through the email program (if the technical configuration of my email program allows this and the newsletter contains them). Future newsletters will be sent by email in accordance with its Data Protection Statement. I understand that I will receive an email confirmation shortly. I understand that I can withdraw this consent at any time (by email to news[at] or by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link in the emails received or by contacting Röchling via the contact details indicated in the legal notice).


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