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Sustamid® 6G blue

PA — PA 6 G

sky blue, similar RAL 5015gentian blue, similar RAL 5010traffic blue, similar RAL 5017blue
sheetrodtubular barbloc


  • Good toughness
  • High mechanical strength
  • Good impact strength
  • Good weldability
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Good machinability
  • Good sliding properties
  • High absorption of moisture depending on temperature and humidity

Application Examples

Elementy pojazdów ROV

Zdalnie kierowane pojazdy podwodne (ROV) projektuje się do pracy ciągłej na coraz większych głębokościach. Aby to ułatwić, dostarczamy wiele odpornych na korozję, kluczowych komponentów stosowanych w pojazdach ROV. Obejmuje to tworzywa Polystone® P (PP) i Polystone® D (PE-HMW), które cechuje naturalna wyporność i które stosuje się w ramach bocznych. Skrzynki z materiału SUSTARIN C (POM-C) zastąpiły elementy metalowe dzięki mniejszej masie i odporności na korozję. Ta sama odporność na korozję, niska masa i doskonała odporność na uderzenia sprawia, że SUSTAMID 6G jest stosowany do produkcji dysz sterowych i osłon ROV. Więcej informacji o materiałach SUSTAMID 6G, SUSTARIN C, Polystone® P i Polystone® D

Bęben formujący do bułek

Materiały firmy Röchling przyczyniają się do wydajności procesów w przemysłowej produkcji bułek: wykonany z materiału SUSTARIN C FG (POM) bęben komory obraca się w kierunku przeciwnym do bębna formującego wykonanego, formując w ten sposób kawałki ciasta. 


Dzięki wyjątkowej odporności na ścieranie, wysokiej wytrzymałości mechanicznej i udarności, rolki z materiału SUSTAMID 6G (PA 6G) – poddawane obróbce maszynowej w wąskim zakresie tolerancji – zużywają się wolniej niż rolki stalowe, wymagają niewielkich nakładów na konserwację, a przez to oferują bardzo długi okres eksploatacji.

Rolki typu Diablo

Podczas instalacji rurociągów na morzu metalowe rolki typu Diablo mogą powodować uszkodzenie powłok antykorozyjnych rurociągów. Aby tego uniknąć, należy zamienić rolki Diablo na te wykonane z materiału SUSTAMID 6G (PA 6G), które dzięki zwiększonej plastyczności konstrukcyjnej tworzywa sztucznego ograniczają potencjalne uszkodzenia rur. SUSTAMID 6G oferuje dodatkowe korzyści, w tym niski współczynnik tarcia i doskonałą odporność na ścieranie, a także doskonałą odporność na uderzenia. W porównaniu ze stalą ma również przewagę w zakresie masy – 1/7 masy stali. Oferujemy również materiały odpowiednie do środowisk wybuchowych (ATEX) oraz z formułami samosmarującymi. Więcej informacji na temat SUSTAMID 6G


Kółka wykonane z naszych materiałów Sustamid® 6G (PA 6G) i Lamigamid® (PA 6G), poddane obróbce w wąskich granicach tolerancji, podlegają mniejszemu zużyciu niż stal ze względu na doskonałą odporność na ścieranie oraz wysoką wytrzymałość mechaniczną i twardość, a do tego wymagają niskich nakładów na konserwację i dzięki temu są bardzo trwałe. Chętnie doradzimy i pomożemy w zakresie doboru materiałów, projektowania i wykonywania obliczeń naprężeń.

Uszczelnienia labiryntowe

Uszczelnienia labiryntowe SUSTAMID 6G (PA 6G) do łożyska wirnika charakteryzują się odpornością na działanie smarów, zapewniają wysoką stabilność wymiarów i umożliwiają w ten sposób niezawodne obniżenie strat smaru do minimum w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej. Więcej o SUSTAMID 6G (PA 6G)

Koła linowe i segmenty kół linowych

Instalacja i wycofywanie sprzętu ze środowiska podwodnego stawia wysokie wymagania wobec lin metalowych i syntetycznych. Aby tego uniknąć, należy zmienić metalowe koła linowe na koła z materiału SUSTAMID 6G (PA 6G), ponieważ nasz asortyment materiałów SUSTAMID może spowodować wydłużenie okresu eksploatacji lin. Wynika to z niskich współczynników tarcia i doskonałej odporności na ścieranie materiałów SUSTAMID, dodatkowo powiększonej o doskonałą odporność na uderzenia, i znacznej redukcji masy w porównaniu ze stalą (około 1/7 masy). Dostępne materiały obejmują gatunki odpowiednie do środowisk wybuchowych (ATEX), jak również receptury samosmarujące.

Przesuwny element wysięgnika

Elementy przesuwne z odlewanych poliamidów wzbogaconych środkiem smarnym zapewniają płynny ruch przesuwny wysięgników żurawi teleskopowych i wysięgników sprzętu. Zapewniają one wysoką wytrzymałość i sztywność oraz ułatwiają wydłużanie przy wyjątkowo dobrych właściwościach ślizgowych. Ta grupa materiałów obejmuje PA 6G: Sustamid® 6G, Sustaglide® (PA 6G), Lamigamid® 319 i Lamigamid® 318 (PA 6G).

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102066Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50158 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 8 mm
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102073Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501510 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 10 mm
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102076Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501512 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 12 mm
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102136Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50156 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 6 mm
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102137Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50158 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 8 mm
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102138Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501510 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 10 mm
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102139Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501512 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 12 mm
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102140Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501516 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 16 mm
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102141Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501516 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 16 mm
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102143Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501520 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 20 mm
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102144Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501520 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 20 mm
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102145Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501525 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 25 mm
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102146Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501525 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 25 mm
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102148Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501530 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 30 mm
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102149Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501530 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 30 mm
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102150Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501535 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 35 mm
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102151Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501535 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 35 mm
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102152Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501540 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 40 mm
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102153Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501540 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 40 mm
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102154Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501545 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 45 mm
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102155Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501550 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 50 mm
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102156Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501550 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 50 mm
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102157Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501570 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 70 mm
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102158Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501580 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 80 mm
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102183Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501515 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 15 mm
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102184Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501575 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 75 mm
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115022Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 60 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 60 mm
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115030Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 70 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 70 mm
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115034Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 75 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 75 mm
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115035Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 75 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 75 mm
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115038Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 76 x 3050 mm 3 050 mm 76 mm
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115040Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 80 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 80 mm
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115041Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 80 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 80 mm
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115044Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 85 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 85 mm
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115045Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 85 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 85 mm
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115048Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 90 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 90 mm
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115049Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 90 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 90 mm
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115056Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 100 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 100 mm
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115057Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 100 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 100 mm
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115060Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 105 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 105 mm
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115064Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 110 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 110 mm
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115065Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 110 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 110 mm
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115072Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 120 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 120 mm
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115077Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 125 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 125 mm
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115078Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 125 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 125 mm
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115082Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 130 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 130 mm
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115086Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 135 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 135 mm
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115090Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 140 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 140 mm
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115093Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 145 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 145 mm
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115095Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 150 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 150 mm
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115101Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 160 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 160 mm
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115107Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 170 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 170 mm
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115110Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 180 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 180 mm
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115117Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 200 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 200 mm
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115122Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 210 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 210 mm
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115127Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 220 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 220 mm
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115134Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 240 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 240 mm
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115142Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 260 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 260 mm
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115166Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 350 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 350 mm
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115200Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 130 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 130 mm
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115201Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 135 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 135 mm
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115202Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 140 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 140 mm
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115203Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 145 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 145 mm
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115204Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 150 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 150 mm
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115205Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 160 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 160 mm
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115208Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 170 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 170 mm
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115209Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 180 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 180 mm
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115211Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 200 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 200 mm
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115371Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 100 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 100 mm
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215161Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501560 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 60 mm
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215305Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501515 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 15 mm
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600845Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50156 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 6 mm
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600849Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501570 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 70 mm
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600934Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501555 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 55 mm
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601093Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 95 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 95 mm
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601603Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 155 x 1220 mm 1 220 mm 155 mm
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620465Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501545 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 45 mm
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622471Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 250 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 250 mm
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654796Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501560 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 60 mm
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654797Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 100 mm
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655771Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 60 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 60 mm
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657420Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 70 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 70 mm
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657423Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 80 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 80 mm
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658021Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501580 x 1000 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 1 000 mm 80 mm
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664272Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 700/600 x 150 mm 150 mm 700 mm 600 mm
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664275Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 600/540 x 450 mm 450 mm 600 mm 540 mm
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667823Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501562 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 62 mm
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667980Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501572 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 72 mm
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678563Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 95 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 95 mm
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678922Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 105 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 105 mm
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684655Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 50 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 50 mm
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685768Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 825/750 x 380 mm 380 mm 825 mm 750 mm
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692246Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501532 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 32 mm
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692835Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50157x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 7 mm
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692837Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501513 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 13 mm
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692838Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501519 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 19 mm
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692840Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501526 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 26 mm
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692842Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501532 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 32 mm
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692843Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501538 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 38 mm
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692844Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501551 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 51 mm
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692845Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501564 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 64 mm
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696133Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 850/750 x 500 mm 500 mm 850 mm 750 mm
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699007Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ120/60x3000mm 3 000 mm 120 mm 60 mm
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699014Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ150/60x3000mm 3 000 mm 150 mm 60 mm
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699021Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ120/60x1000mm 1 000 mm 120 mm 60 mm
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699025Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar blueØ150/60x1000mm 1 000 mm 150 mm 60 mm
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700895Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 1900/1550 x 140 mm 140 mm 1 900 mm 1 550 mm
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703216Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod blueØ110x3000mm 3 000 mm 110 mm
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706270Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 100 mm
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709112Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501577 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 77 mm
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709407Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 600 x 115 mm 115 mm 600 mm
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710054Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 76 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 76 mm
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716006Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 120 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 120 mm
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718447Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 850/750 x 250 mm 250 mm 850 mm 750 mm
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721175Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar traffic blue, similar RAL 5017Ø 600/540 x 250 mm 250 mm 600 mm 540 mm
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721563Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 280 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 280 mm
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746657Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc traffic blue, similar RAL 5017100 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 1 000 mm 100 mm
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749604Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 5010100 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 100 mm
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749605Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 5010110 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 110 mm
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755537Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501045 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 45 mm
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759880Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 120 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 120 mm
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800399Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501010 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 10 mm
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809689Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501580 x 1000 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 1 000 mm 80 mm
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809950Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1000 x 1000 mm 1 000 mm 1 000 mm 100 mm
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920221Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 260 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 260 mm
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920224Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 76 x 3000 mm 3 000 mm 76 mm
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920225Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 130 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 130 mm
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920226Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 140 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 140 mm
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920231Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 155 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 155 mm
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920234Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 180 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 180 mm
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920237Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 210 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 210 mm
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920377Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501513 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 13 mm
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920378Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 50157 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 7 mm
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920379Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501519 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 19 mm
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920412Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501532 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 32 mm
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920414Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501576 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 76 mm
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921885Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501030 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 30 mm
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922158Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 430/120 x 900 mm 900 mm 430 mm 120 mm
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922839Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501563 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 63 mm
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922841Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501511 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 11 mm
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922845Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501553 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 53 mm
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922846Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501563 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 63 mm
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923086Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501032 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 32 mm
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923087Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet gentian blue, similar RAL 501032 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 32 mm
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925339Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 800/675 x 320 mm 320 mm 800 mm 675 mm
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925340Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised tubular bar tubular bar gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 650/475 x 320 mm 320 mm 650 mm 475 mm
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925396Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 475 x 750 mm 750 mm 475 mm
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926009Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015100 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 1 000 mm 100 mm
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926010Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501575 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 1 000 mm 75 mm
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928303Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod gentian blue, similar RAL 5010Ø 600 x 1100 mm 1 100 mm 600 mm
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929811Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501565 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 65 mm
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929812Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501590 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 1 000 mm 90 mm
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931119Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 501575 x 600 x 1220 mm 1 220 mm 600 mm 75 mm
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931666Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015160 x 600 x 665 mm 665 mm 600 mm 160 mm
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932562Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised bloc bloc sky blue, similar RAL 5015110 x 1000 x 1250 mm 1 250 mm 1 000 mm 110 mm
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933308Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501567 x 1000 x 2000 mm 2 000 mm 1 000 mm 67 mm
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933616Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised rod rod sky blue, similar RAL 5015Ø 115 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 115 mm
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933618Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501557 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 57 mm
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933619Sustamid® 6G blue in-mould polymerised sheet sheet sky blue, similar RAL 501567 x 1250 x 2500 mm 2 500 mm 1 250 mm 67 mm

Technical Specifications Sustamid® 6G blue

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183-1g / cm31,15
Water absorptionDIN EN ISO 62%2,5
Flammability (Thickness 3 mm / 6 mm)UL 94HB / HB
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Yield stressDIN EN ISO 527MPa75
Elongation at breakDIN EN ISO 527%45
Tensile modulus of elasticityDIN EN ISO 527MPa3400
Notched impact strengthDIN EN ISO 179kJ / m23
Shore hardnessDIN EN ISO 868scale D83
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Melting temperatureISO 11357-3°C216
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W / (m * K)0,25
Thermal capacityDIN 52612kJ / (kg * K)1,70
Coefficient of linear thermal expansionDIN 5375210-6 / K80
Service temperature, long termAverage°C-40 … 110
Service temperature, short term (max.)Average°C170
Heat deflection temperatureDIN EN ISO 75, Verf. A, HDT°C95
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Dielectric constantIEC 602503,7
Dielectric dissipation factor (50 Hz)IEC 602500,02
Volume resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-1Ω * cm1015
Surface resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-2Ω1013
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112600
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243kV / mm20


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