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Polystone® PVDF HG natural


Our high-performance specialist in the pharmaceutical industry

Our PVDF HG was developed for the demanding requirements of the healthcare industry. It is a material of the highest purity with excellent UV resistance and sterilizability. With its good or balanced combination of toughness, chemical resistance and strength, PVDF ensures reliable performance in many demanding applications such as in the pharmaceutical industry either as a distribution unit or in drug manufacturing. The temperature stability in continuous use is up to 140 °C.



  • High purity
  • UV-resistant
  • Good toughness
  • Chemical resistant
  • High temperature resistance
  • ISO 10993-5 tested on semi-finished product

We are a system supplier and partner from the idea to the OEM's end product - as a cooperative value contribution. We are able to support the healthcare industry at the highest level.

Industry Manager Healthcare - Mail:


Technical Specifications Polystone® PVDF HG natural

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183-1g / cm3>1,75
Water absorptionDIN EN ISO 62%0,4
Flammability (Thickness 3 mm / 6 mm)UL 94V0
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Yield stressDIN EN ISO 527MPa>50
Elongation at breakDIN EN ISO 527%>30
Tensile modulus of elasticityDIN EN ISO 527MPa>2100
Notched impact strengthDIN EN ISO 179kJ / m2>13
Shore hardnessDIN EN ISO 868scale D>75
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Melting temperatureISO 11357-3°C172 ... 175
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W / (m * K)0,19
Thermal capacityDIN 52612kJ / (kg * K)1,20
Coefficient of linear thermal expansionDIN 5375210-6 / K100 ... 140
Service temperature, long termAverage°C0 ... 140
Service temperature, short term (max.)Average°C>145
Vicat softening temperatureDIN EN ISO 306, Vicat B°C140
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Dielectric constantIEC 602508,0
Dielectric dissipation factor (106 Hz)IEC 602500,02
Volume resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-1Ω * cm>1014
Surface resistivityDIN EN 62631-3-2Ω>1014
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112600
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243kV / mm20


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