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Polystone® PPs CubX® (Homopolymer) grey


Polystone® PPs CubX®: Polystone® PPs, flame retardant (B1) for sensitive areas of application.

  • High longitudinal and transversal stiffness
  • High chemical resistance
  • Light weight, easy handling
  • Good thermal insulation
  • Easy to weld by means of heating element butt welding, hot gas welding, extrusion welding
dust grey, similar RAL 7037
cross-ribbed twin-wall sheet


  • Flame retardant
  • High longitudinal and transversal stiffness
  • Good handling
  • Low weight
  • Good thermal insulation
  • Chemical resistant

Technical Specifications Polystone® PPs CubX® (Homopolymer) grey

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Thermal conductivityISO 8302 | Tested with: GHP 500-1, Single-sheet processW / (m * K)Lambda 0,18
DensityDIN EN ISO 1183g / cm30,315
Area weightkg/m217,67
Weld strength lattice / covering sheetsMPa 20
FlatnessDIN EN ISO 15860mm/m 3
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Density, RTDIN EN ISO 1183g / cm30,94
Notched impact strength, RTDIN EN ISO 179 EA1kJ / m24
Melt flow rate (MFR) 2,16 kg, 230 °CDIN EN ISO 1133g / 10 min0,45
Yield strain, RTDIN EN ISO 527%7,19
Yield stress, RTDIN EN ISO 527N/mm²32
Thermal properties, along, 150 °CDIN EN ISO 15013%0,33
Thermal properties, transverse, 150 °CDIN EN ISO 15013%0,17
Tensile modulus of elasticity, RTDIN EN ISO 527MPa1300


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