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SUSTAPEEK – sheets, round rods & tubes / tubing

PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) – properties & applications

We process the high performance plastic PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) under the brand name SUSTAPEEK as semi-finished products in the form of sheets, round rods and tubes as well as machined components.

PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) is a semi-crystalline, thermoplastic high-performance material, and is characterised mainly by its very good mechanical properties and exceptional dimensional stability, even at high continuous operating temperatures of up to 250°C. Due to their properties, PEEK plastics are suitable for a wide range of applications with demanding operating conditions

Product range – SUSTAPEEK:

SUSTAPEEK is available as a semi-finished product in numerous dimensions and colours:

  • PEEK sheets
  • PEEK round rods
  • PEEK tubes / tubing

We also offer machined components on the basis of customer drawings made from PEEK and cut-to-size PEEK.

PEEK – sheet, plate, round rods & tubes / tubing
SUSTAPEEK – sheets, round rods & tubes/tubing
 PEEK sheets, plate, plastic material Polyetheretherketone
PEEK tubes/tubing, plastic material Polyetheretherketone
SUSTAPEEK tubes/tubing
PEEK rods, plastic material Polyetheretherketone
SUSTAPEEK CF 30 round rods
PEEK sheet, plate, plastic material Polyetheretherketone
Calendered sheets made of SUSTAPEEK

PEEK Materials - Technical Datasheets and Dimensions

PEEK properties at a glance:

  • Very high temperature resistance (up to 250°C continuous operating temperature)
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Good dimensional resistance (low thermal expansion)
  • Optimal ratio of stiffness, solidity, toughness and minimal tendency to creep
  • Very good tribological properties (good sliding performance, low wear)
  • Good radiation resistance
  • Excellent resistance to hydrolysis
  • Fire performance: flame-retardant, Low smoke density, No toxic gases
  • Good machinability
  • Good bondability and weldability

SUSTAPEEK modifications

SUSTAPEEK is available in numerous modifications to meet your requirements. They include:

  • Unfilled
  • Carbon fibre reinforced
  • Fibre-glass reinforced
  • Anti-static
  • Electrically conductive

Depending on the application, our SUSTAPEEK materials also meet the requirements of norms and certifications for specific applications such as:

  • NORSOK M-710 - qualification of non-metallic sealant materials and manufacturers
  • Suitable for contact with foods in accordance with FDA – Federal Regulations 21 CFR, Part 177, paragraph 2415
  • Suitable for contact with foods in accordance with EU regulations 10/2011/EU, framework regulation 1935/2004/EC and the 2023/2006/EC regulation

SUSTAPEEK - Application examples

As a high performance plastic, SUSTAPEEK is used for its properties in numerous industries that put very high demands on their materials. These include, for example:

Oil & gas:

  • PEEK seals
  • Reinforcing rings made of SUSTAPEEK
  • Ball valve seats
  • Insulation components
Peek parts, machining peek, PEEK temperature, Polyetheretherketone
Insulation components made of SUSTAPEEK maintain the high operating temperatures in the oil and gas industry

Electronics industry

  • Wafer carriers
  • Sensor components
  • PEEK plugs
Peek parts, machining peek, Polyetheretherketone
Due to its high dimensional stability, SUSTAPEEK is suitable for the production of plugs and other precision components in the electronics industry


  • Components for medical devices
  • Sterilisation boxes
  • Partition walls for 3D printing of medical components
  • Handles
Peek parts, machining peek, Polyetheretherketone
Spherical housing made of SUSTAPEEK for shockwave therapy equipment

Food industry

  • Components for food processing machines
Peek parts, machining peek, Polyetheretherketone
Inlet flange made of SUSTAPEEK for processing sausages


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