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Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG

Röchling at the Location Haren

With over 40 locations worldwide, the Röchling Industrial division offers you a large selection of thermoplastics and composites for technical applications. You can obtain our plastics in the form of semi-finished products such as sheets, round rods, tubes, profiles and finished castings right through to precision-machined parts. Our plastics are in use in almost every industry in the world.

Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG in Haren

Our site, Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG in Haren, Germany is the parent company of the Industrial division. With nearly 900 employees, it makes a major contribution to our process and innovation competence. At the site in Emsland, we produce thermoplastics and composites sheets, round rods and profiles. We also machine parts according to technical drawings from our customers. Our products are used in almost all sectors of the capital goods industry.

“For more than 80 years, we have processed plastics at the Haren site for our customers. We can rely on extensive expertise with regard to materials and applications. But that alone is not enough. We are committed to offering you, as a customer in your industry, the best possible product. The most important factor for that is a dialogue with you. Only when we hear you out and understand the task you face, can we offer you a competitive edge as a customer.”

Franz Lübbers, member of the Management Board of the Röchling Group, responsible for the Industrial division, CEO of the Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG, Haren

Siegel "Familienfreundlich"

Bereits seit 2011 sind wir am Standort Haren mit dem Siegel "Familienfreundlich" der Emsländischen Stiftung Beruf und Familie zertifiziert

EcoVadis Silber-Standard

Röchling Industrial in Haren wurde von dem internationalen Anbieter für Nachhaltigkeitsrankings mit dem Silber-Standard ausgezeichnet.

Siegel Top Company

Röchling Industrial wurde von kununu als "Top Company 2024" ausgezeichnet.

News Röchling Haren



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