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Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG

With over 40 locations worldwide, the Röchling Industrial division offers you a large selection of thermoplastics and composites for technical applications. You can obtain our plastics in the form of semi-finished products such as sheets, round rods, tubes, profiles and finished castings right through to precision-machined parts. Our plastics are in use in almost every industry in the world.

Röchling Industrial at the location in Troisdorf

Röchling Industrial in Troisdorf is the competence center for PVC within the Industrial division. In the heart of the Rhineland in the Cologne/Bonn conurbation, high-quality plastics for a wide range of industrial applications have been produced for decades. Since the takeover of the Trovidur division from HT Troplast AG in 1999, we created a modern production facility in Troisdorf and have successively expanded it.

“Troisdorf, with its central location in the middle of Germany, offers logistical advantages for our customers and is a highly attractive location for employees due to its proximity to Cologne on the one hand and the Rhine-Sieg region on the other.”

Wilhelm Korte-Dirxen, COO Röchling Industrial

ISCC PLUS certified

Röchling Industrial in Troisdorf is certified according to the international sustainability standard ISCC PLUS.


As a leading PVC processor, we support VinylPlus® - the voluntary commitment to sustainable development in the PVC industry.

Application examples

Find some application examples of our products from Troisdorf

Drzwi wejściowe wykonane z materiału Trovidur® Astrawood®

Drzwi wejściowe wykonane z naszego materiału Trovidur® Astrawood® zachowują stabilność wymiarową nawet w warunkach silnego nasłonecznienia. Podstawa wykonana z PVC została spojona z odporną na ścieranie i działanie warunków pogodowych folią z PVC, która jest jedynym tego rodzaju materiałem na rynku. Ta specjalna kombinacja umożliwia produkcję drzwi wejściowych o szczególnie wysokim współczynniku odbicia ciepła i długim okresie eksploatacji.

Trovidur® EC-Clad (PVC-U) for wall cladding

Trovidur® EC-Clad wall panels meet the high hygiene and visual demands of public and commercial facilities. The are easy to assemble, low maintenance and available in different formats. They can be applied directly to most flat surfaces with a special adhesive. The few joints are closed with profiles so that they form a smooth, seamless surface. Trovidur® EC-Clad is resistant to chemicals and can withstand commonly-used cleaning agents. Trovidur® EC Clad also meets fire protection requirements. With Trovidur® EC-Clad LS we also offer a smoke-resistant material that meets the requirements of EN 13501 for classification B s2 d0.

TroBloc® M – higieniczne panele ochronne na ściany

Z łatwą do czyszczenia powierzchnią Zgodność z wysokimi standardami higieny Nadają się do montażu na ścianach, sufitach, drzwiach i powierzchniach w salach operacyjnych, a także na blokach operacyjnych i w strefach dekontaminacji



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