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Advertising Industry
Plastics for Advertising Industry

Advertising technology: how to point the way with plastic

The breadth of the creative ideas of designers, architects and advertising agencies must be matched by the versatility of the materials used to turn them into reality. In Signeo and Formaterm PI-HS, we offer plastics that allow you to point the way in the truest sense of the phrase. They open up new avenues for the creative design and implementation of your ideas in advertising technology and fair stand construction.

Your advantages

Typical areas of application

Application examples

Shatterproof substitute for glass mirrors

Formaterm® PS-HI is a polystyrene with an impact-resistant coating. It boasts high rigidity and hardness and, through the use of a film coating, opens up a wide variety of possible applications both as a shatterproof substitute for glass mirrors in advertising technology and in public areas.

Promotion signs

The versatile Signeo® sheets allow text, symbols or other graphic elements to be represented in 3D. Available in one or more layers, the two-colour sheets offer enormous creative potential for a whole range of design ideas.

Related products

    Product examples

    Röchling PE2PRINT® (HDPE) is a durable, lightweight, cost-effective high-density polyethylene material for both indoor and outdoor printed applications.

    More information about PE2PRINT®

    Arrange technical advice

    The performance and reliability of materials used for advertising technology are influenced by a variety of factors. These factors must be taken into account in order to select the right materials. Examples:

    We are happy to advise you on the selection of suitable materials for your particular application. Just use our contact form at the bottom of the page and write to us.



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