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CNC Micro Machined Parts

With 40 years’ experience of machining engineering plastics Röchling Insoll, Hitchin - UK, focus on manufacturing small scalecomponents to the most demanding design specifications.

  • Turned part component diameters from 36 mm down to 0.5 mm
  • From simple through to complex turned parts
  • Bore sizes to 0.1 mm
  • Wall thickness as low as 0.1 mm even on PTFE
  • Tolerances as tight as 0.02 mm
  • Surface finishes of N4 (0.2 micro mm Ra)
  • Component aspect ratios of 100:1
  • High volume manufacture

Micro machining of plastic parts requires a combination of engineering excellence, material knowledge, state-of-the art machine centres and the highest standards of quality control. If you need a responsive and flexible manufacturing service, unbiased guidance on plastic material selection and help with component design then Röchling is the partner you are looking for.

Accuracy and Quality

Our quality measurement systems and equipment, including non- contact and multi-sensor-probe instrumentation, have the capability of 1micron accuracy to provide the highest levels of quality control.

Fibracon® PTFE micro machined parts

Product examples

SUSTAPEEK micro bobbin
SUSTAPEEK component for fluid measuring device
Fibracon® PTFE and SUSTAPEEK micro insulators
Micro machined parts from thermoplastics


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