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Durostone® UPM S13 LST


Durostone® UPM S13 LST is a fiber-reinforced plastic with an exceptionally good behavior in fire. The flammability of plastics attains a particular value of FVO /> 1mm. Convinced by this plastic has a low toxicity and low smoke density, making this one of our Durostone specials. Moreover Durostone® UPM S13 LST meets requirement R11, hazard level HL3, for arc resistant insulation materials of EN 45545-2:2013.



  • SMC high-pressure laminate
  • Special polyester (UP) resin matrix reinforced with an e-glass roving mat
  • High mechanical strength
  • High dielectric strength
  • Flame retardant

Application Examples

Insulation hood for Durostone® pantographs

Durostone® UPM S13 LST consists of an unsaturated polyester resin with a glass mat reinforcement. The material meets the requirement R11, hazard level HL3, for arc resistant insulation materials of EN 45545-2:2013. It offers high strength both at room temperature and at higher temperatures. The density of 2.10 g/cm³ enables the production of lightweight components with high mechanical strength – for example, mounts on the bogie for pantographs (shoebeams), covers and spark extinguishing chambers.


Technical Specifications Durostone® UPM S13 LST

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityISO 1183g / cm32,1
Flexural strength ISO 178MPa160
Modulus of elasticity in flexion ISO 178MPa12000
Compressive strength ISO 604MPa280
Compressive strength IIISO 604MPa180
Tensile strength IIISO 527MPa80
Impact strength II (Charpy)ISO 179kJ / m2100
Shear strength BS 2782/340BMPa85
Shear strength IIBS 2782/340BMPa80
Delamination force IIDIN 53463N2000
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
FlammabilityUL 94/V0 / 1mm
Glow-wire flammability testEN 60695-2-11°C960
Coefficient of linear expansion IITMA (Mettler)10-6 x K-1 20
Flammability req. R1DIN EN 45545-2HL3
Flammability req. R7DIN EN 45545-2HL3
Flammability req. R17DIN EN 45545-2HL3
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Water absorption (method 1)ISO 62%0,1
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Electric strength 90°C under oil IEC 60243kV / mm13
Electric strength 90°C under oil IIIEC 60243kV/25mm75
Specific surface resistanceIEC 60093Ω1014
Specific volume resistanceIEC 60093Ω x cm1013
Comparative tracking index (test solution B)IEC 60112CTI600 M


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