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"Energy efficiency plays a big role"

Use resources more sustainably: Röchling Engineering Plastics KG has successfully introduced an Energy Management System (EnMS) according to DIN ISO 50001 at its Haren and Troisdorf locations (Aerial image: location Haren)

Powertransformers on the premises of Röchling in Haren: For the Röchling Engineering Plastics KG the conscious use of resources and long-term improvement of energy efficiency is of great importance

Röchling introduces energy management system

Haren/Troisdorf – The Röchling Engineering Plastics KG has successfully introduced an Energy Management System (EnMS) according to DIN ISO 50001 at its Haren and Troisdorf locations. The leading international processor of high performance plastics wants to improve energy efficiency in the company and use resources on a more sustainable basis.

It is not the first time since the energy revolution that companies and consumers have been faced with a challenge: energy costs have to be reduced and consumption has to become more sustainable. The DIN ISO 50001 standard sets out the requirements for companies concerning the introduction and completion of an EnMS. To satisfy the requirements of the standard, Röchling has developed new structures which increase and manage the energy flows in the company on a sustainable and systematic basis. The company DQS GmbH, the independent German institute for the certification of management systems, certified the system at both locations according to a test that extended over several days.

The conscious use of resources

"Energy efficiency plays a big role with us," explains Ludger Bartels, COO of the Röchling Group, Mannheim. "The conscious use of energy and resources is firmly anchored in our company guidelines. Over the long term the system will enable us to reduce our energy costs and use resources more sustainably.“

Improve energy efficiency over the long term

The successful introduction was largely prepared by Ingo Hartmann, the company's permanently employed Energy Management Officer. He is responsible for gathering the energy-relevant data. "From electricity, heat and oil through to gas and the consumption of compressed air, we systematically measure the energy flows. The analysis of the data shows us the quantities of energy we use where and at what times in detail. On the basis of these figures, we set energy saving goals and improve energy efficiency over the long term," he explains.

Employees intensively included

Hartmann created the structure necessary for the systematic data gathering in close cooperation with the managers of the corresponding sequences and processes in the specialist departments on location. "It was only in close exchange with our experts that we were able to determine the energy flows and possible improvements in detail," says Hartmann, clarifying that the employees are intensively included in the EnMS. During the introduction, specially formed energy teams with professional experts regularly met and realised the measures necessary for the certification. In workplace training sessions, employees also learned how to manage energy consciously and responsibly.

Production processes illuminated

The system has already borne its first fruit. So that the new structures lead to higher efficiency as well as lower consumption and costs, Röchling considers the data in all investment decisions. The manufacturing processes in the company were intensively checked, energy intensive process components determined and improvement measures introduced. New energy saving lighting systems in some of the production areas have recently been contributing to a more efficient use of energy.

Fulfilling annual energy goals

The certificate is valid for three years. For the successful re-certification, the company has to set new energy goals each year and demonstrate with specific measures that an active energy management system is being developed and applied.  "We regularly ascertain potential energy savings and evaluate how successful our measures are. DQS GmbH also makes annual checks to see whether we have achieved our energy goals," explains Hartmann discussing the management system, the goal of which is a continuous improvement.

Introduction at other sites planned

On the basis of the experiences at Röchling Engineering Plastics in Haren and Troisdorf, Röchling is now set to introduce an energy management system at additional locations of the international subsidiary companies and in so doing further support the conscious use of resources in order to improve the energy efficiency in the entire company group over the long term.

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