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Durostone® UPM S2


Durostone® UPM S2 es un plástico reforzado con fibra que tiene propiedades mecánicas muy elevadas. Este plástico esférico tiene una inflamabilidad definida. El refuerzo de fibras se lleva a cabo con una estera de vidrio o tejido de vidrio (GFK).

raspberry red, similar RAL 3027cream, similar RAL 9001


  • Matriz de resina de éster de vinilo (VE) especial reforzada con una combinación de tela y tapete de vidrio electrónico
  • Laminado de alta presión SMC
  • Alta resistencia mecánica
  • Extremadamente alta resistencia mecánica y dieléctrica y baja inflamabilidad.

Technical Specifications Durostone® UPM S2 red

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityISO 1183g / cm31,95
Flexural strength 1)ISO 178MPa350
Flexural strength 1) +130°CISO 178MPa175
Modulus of elasticity in flexion 1)ISO 178MPa18000
Modulus of elasticity in flexion 1) +130°CISO 178MPa12000
Compressive strength ISO 604MPa480
Tensile strength IIISO 527MPa220
Impact strength II (Charpy)ISO 179kJ / m2200
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
FlammabilityUL 94/V0 / 5mm
Smoke density & toxicity, classNF F 16-101/F0
Fire test, classNF P 92-501/M2
Temperature indexIEC 60216T.I.155
Insulation classIEC 60085/F
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Water absorption (4mm thickness)ISO 62% 0,5
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Electric strength 90°C under oil IEC 60243kV / mm12
Electric strength 90°C under oil IIIEC 60243kV/25mm75
Relative permittivity (50 Hz)IEC 60250εr4
Dielectric loss factor (50 Hz)IEC 60250tan δ0,01
Specific surface resistanceIEC 60093Ω1010
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112CTI600

Technical Specifications Durostone® UPM S2 white

Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
DensityISO 1183g / cm31,95
Flexural strength 1)ISO 178MPa350
Flexural strength 1) +130°CISO 178MPa175
Modulus of elasticity in flexion 1)ISO 178MPa18000
Modulus of elasticity in flexion 1) +130°CISO 178MPa12000
Compressive strength ISO 604MPa480
Tensile strength IIISO 527MPa220
Impact strength II (Charpy)ISO 179kJ / m2200
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
FlammabilityUL 94/V0 / 5mm
Smoke density & toxicity, classNF F 16-101/F0
Fire test, classNF P 92-501/M2
Temperature indexIEC 60216T.I.155
Insulation classIEC 60085/F
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Water absorption (4mm thickness)ISO 62% 0,5
Test MethodUnitGuideline Value
Electric strength 90°C under oil IEC 60243kV / mm12
Electric strength 90°C under oil IIIEC 60243kV/25mm75
Relative permittivity (50 Hz)IEC 60250εr4
Dielectric loss factor (50 Hz)IEC 60250tan δ0,01
Specific surface resistanceIEC 60093Ω1010
Comparative tracking indexIEC 60112CTI600


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