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History of Röchling Industrial Allgäu GmbH

1982 Founding of Maywo company by Mr. May and Mr. Wollmann in a converted paper plant in Kempten/Hegge Start of production on a used roll extruder
1984 Purchase of two used sheet extrusion system
1991 Start-up of the third sheet system 
1995-1996Modernization of the production systems
1999Relocation to a new building in Bad Grönenbach with an operating area of 6,500 m² 
2000 Total revenue: 10 million euros 
2001 Start-up of the 5th extrusion system
2002 Number of employees: 50  
2003New building with an additional 2000 m² warehouse
2004 Start-up of the 6th extrusion system  
2005Production quota: For the first time 10,000 tons per year
2006 Total revenue: 20 million euros 
2007 Completion of another 2500 m² production building and also start-up of a 7th extrusion system. Number of employees: 80 
2008 Total revenue: 25 million euros 
2012 Member of the company group Röchling SE & Co. KG
2014 Start-up of the 8th extrusion system
2015 MAYWO Kunststoff GmbH becomes Röchling Maywo GmbH. Start-up of the 9th extrusion system. Number of employees: 100
2022Röchling Maywo GmbH becomes Röchling Industrial Allgäu GmbH.


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